Weird question..

<p>Do you need to bring toilet paper for the upperclassmen dorms with personal bathrooms? Or is it provided?</p>

<p>You have to bring it yourself. Ditto freshman suite dorm bathrooms.</p>

<p>And stock up. And when you think you have enough, get another jumbo pack. Milk your parent’s car trunk space for all it’s worth. And set up a system with your roommates the first week for how you’ll split the toilet paper buying responsibilities.</p>

<p>But don’t be surprised if by March, you’re buying your own and hoarding it in your room because your roommates refuse to ever get any. Every single male dorm degraded into this the two years I was in a dorm, and about half of the female ones.</p>

<p>It’s funny that in this thread people are talking about students hoarding toilet paper and in the next thread they are talking about spending nearly $400 to get someone else to do your laundry. That’s messed up.</p>

<p>Such is life. :P</p>