Weird timing for fall transfer

<p>Hi, I've looked through the boards quite a bit and didn't see any topics that covered this.. so here I go...</p>

<p>I go to a CCC and I'm just starting transfer classes this spring after wasting my fall semester (planned on getting some certification, changed my mind). My top transfer choice is Berkeley, but they only accept fall transfers. I also want to apply to NYU (I think I'm being overly ambitious) and I think I can definitely get into UCLA with the TAP program. I'm not sure where else. Anyway, the point is, Berkeley only accepts fall transfers, and I, being silly, am starting my classes in the spring. I'll be done with all the classes I need at the wrong time and be at my community college way longer than I need to. So.. I don't know what to do without taking way too many credits. I'm already going to have at least 70something because the UCLA art history program requires an extra language. Do I just apply during my last fall semester and sit around and do nothing for the spring semester while I wait to get accepted? I thought about trying to load up this summer and get everything done early, but they don't offer the honors classes I need for TAP. I'm a little bit lost, and the my counselor at school has so far been useless, although I'll be making an appointment anyway once the semester starts. Thanks everyone. :]</p>

<p>Oh also, any other realistic recommendations for good undergrad art history? I say realistic because unfortunately I don't think I could really be one of the 7 or so transfer students that Williams or any other amazing and impossible LACs accept per year. I wish.</p>

<p>Laaast thing, I swear. I did horrible in high school (so happy that Berkeley doesn't ask for that when you apply) and I ended up getting a california certificate of proficiency instead of an actual diploma. Would that count against me as a transfer? And for the schools that require test scores, would I need to send in my CHSPE (CA high school proficiency exam) scores as well?</p>

<p>wow im really confused</p>

<p>have you taken college courses yet? what year are you? what are your stats?</p>

<p>sorry i am dumb</p>

<p>Sorry for the long and confusing post.</p>

<p>I’ve taken college courses, but they were in early childhood education and only one of them is transferable. I have 3 transferable units. I’m starting all my IGETC classes in the spring, although I took other unrelated classes this fall. Does that help? </p>

<p>I have a 4.0 so far. I did terrible in high school (I’m not sure, 2.something) and I got a 2030 on the SAT. I shouldn’t have even taken the SAT because I left school with the CHSPE, but I was a butthead and decided to take it without studying just because. Oh, regrets.</p>

<p>Basically, my problem is that I’ll be done with my classes in time to transfer for spring but Berkeley doesn’t let you do that. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with the excessive extra time or lack of time.</p>

<p>Get an internship; or just do research in a field you desire to concentrate in ( it doesn’t have to be in the sciences)
Are you sure all of the courses will transfer? Maybe take a few more that you know will definitely transfer?</p>

<p>I can definitely look into an internship, thanks. I just want to know how the schools view someone who is completely done and won’t be taking any spring classes. Or if I should apply without all of my credits completed.</p>

<p>They will all transfer. I don’t want to take extra classes because I’ll have way too many credits.</p>

<p>You should post this question on the UC Transfer subforum, because that is where the knowledgeable folks are wrt UC transfers.</p>