Welcome Back Students

<p>Many of you here are fretting over the loss of your children to the colleges. Those of us who work in colleges are looking forward to getting them back. </p>

<p>Classes don't begin until after Labor Day, but many of the students are already in town. I went down to State St. today and there were loads of young people around. I could feel the energy. I missed the noise and the crowds and the bustle over the summer. Its been too quiet. I also miss my own recently graduated child a thousand miles away and having 40,000 or so young people around you almost makes up for it. </p>

<p>So welcome back, we missed you.</p>

<p>Nice thought tsdad. 23rd Street is beginning to get the buzz back...</p>

<p>I kind of enjoyed not having the long lines at my local Panera. Oh well, it is nice to have the Swatties back.</p>

<p>We love it when Stanford is in session. Those kids are all so, well, so, healthy looking. Their hair is shiny. Their legs are long. Their teeth are white. The girls have great pony tails. The hope of the nation is not lost, if I let myself get carried away...</p>

<p>The return on students on campus means the end of all the summer construction we've had to endure since May. I much rather having to avoid a student walking across the street than a front end loader.</p>

<p>Well Alumother thank you for that very nice description of us :)</p>