<p>To all of you “on the hill.” Congrats on another semester down, hope you had a good break and Welcome Back to the Jungle…</p>
<p>oy… :(</p>
<p>it hasnt been bad at all yet. come wednesday and thursday though, and SATURDAY when we have class, it’ll hit me haha</p>
<p>Welcome to the Jungle… good song… :)</p>
<p>Congrats on your first/another semester finished.</p>
<p>depending on your squad…that song might take a different meaning for you, come june… :D</p>
<p>:) Indeed welcome to the Jungle. HuZzAh!</p>
<p>ewww not that again</p>
<p>its good to be back… other than the crappiness of gateways computers dying on u after wasting 7 hours trying to get on the network…</p>
<p>no bueno. our half of the hallway was without internet until yesterday afternoon because of a router issue if it’s any consolation. the agony of not knowing grades…'til we realized our classmates down the hall did have internet :)</p>
<p>Good luck in this semester to all! </p>
<p>Hornetguy: we had a lot of huzzah-ing here this past break. I think one of my favorite twins would love to STAY in Tiger10. As I write this, I see he left me a little Tiger10 patch, supposedly to sew onto my clothing. Huzzah!</p>
<p>Good to hear! Always start your day off with a good HuZzAh! :)</p>
<p>on another note, congratulations are in order for our very own af16 for being elected 4 deg of the semester in our squad ;)</p>
<p>aaaaaaaaah, we had a rude awakening today :(</p>
<p>Thanks missmuff… ;)</p>
<p>and yea this morning was rough indeed, do as they please the clock is still ticking, almost at 2 months to go… :)</p>
<p>YOU GO AF16!!! Wow! That is so cool! </p>
<p>Did those nice upperclassmen wake up you sleeping beauties too early?</p>
<p>something like that…lol. we awoke of our own accord anyway.</p>