Welcome new College Rep BrandeisOfficial from Brandeis University

<p>Please join me in welcoming our newest College Rep, [url=&lt;a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/members/brandeisofficial.html]BrandeisOfficial[/url”&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/members/brandeisofficial.html]BrandeisOfficial[/url</a>], from Brandeis University!</p>

<p>(As a reminder, we have taken reasonable steps to verify that our College Rep members are from the college they claim to be from. If you encounter anyone in the community who claims to be from a college’s admissions office but isn’t designated as a College Rep, please let us know and be wary of any advice provided before that person is so designated. And, of course, even our College Reps are human, so if there is any question about important deadlines, etc., be sure to rely on more than a forum post for critical decisions.)</p>

<p>Stop in and say hello in this thread, but please do NOT use this thread to ask questions - start a new thread with an appropriate title. In addition, since our College Reps are busy people, please do NOT start threads asking for help specifically from the Rep - please post the query to the community in general, and you’ll be likely to get multiple informed views on the subject. If the College Rep can provide useful input, no doubt he/she will chime in.</p>

<p>Welcome to the forums BrandeisOfficial! Enjoy your stay.</p>

<p>Welcome! 10char</p>

<p>Hi, this is great :)</p>

<p>welcome :)</p>

<p>Hi! Your arrival sent me scurrying to my books, curious about Justice Louis Brandeis </p>

<p>Two good ones: on the University:

Justice Brandeis in a letter to J.W. Mack, June 3, `1925, in A. Lief, Brandeis Guide to Modern World (1941), p 74</p>

<p>on Ability (tuning out the gender language of his times):

Brandeis to A. Lief, Apr 20, 1935, ibid p 73 </p>

<p>Welcome to the community of College Confidential!</p>

<p>the more, the merrier!</p>

<p>welcome =)</p>

<p>Welcome! Brandeis was one of my daughter’s top choices a few years ago, although she ended up at another school. But I’m a high school teacher and have recommended Brandeis to several great students since then. I’ve been very favorably impressed with Brandeis.</p>

<p>Welcome! My D was just accepted ED into the Class of 2013. We are all looking forward to her years at Brandeis!</p>

<p>Hello Everyone,</p>

<p>Thank you for all your welcoming wishes and all the great things you’ve had to say about Brandeis. I hope to be able to help you all out a bit with the search process and clear up any misconceptions/unanswered questions that may be on this forum. </p>


<p>Jeff Wong
Admissions Counselor
Brandeis University</p>

<p>hello, i was wondering if there was any way of checking application status online for brandeis? i looked but found none…which worries me because i’m not sure if brandeis got all parts of my application or not</p>




<p>sorry blink, i thought this was where the official answered questions :slight_smile: i started a thread so plz reply if you know the answer :)</p>


<p>Just out of curiosity, are you Asian?</p>

<p>Wong is his last name…what do you think?</p>

<p>That’s why I asked. lol</p>

<p>Welcome, Jeff. Like ReneeV, I’ve often recommended Brandeis, too, and I hope that your presence here will inspire some CC members to take a closer look.</p>

<p>Welcome Jeff Wong</p>

<p>and I think we can judge him by his name :smiley:
Yay an asian!</p>

<p>FA / scholarship range for international students??? well,I am from mainland of China…and thanks for the help!</p>