<p>Hey People. I know I shouldn't be asking this but I'm just asking for honest opinions as to whether or I have a realistic chance to be admitted UMich. I've been thinking because I'm and International so I know I'll be at a disadvantage. Any opinions would be great...</p>
<p>I'm from Tasmania which is in Australia.</p>
<p>SAT 1- 1550 (Maths 750, Verbal 800). Doing new one October to include writing</p>
<p>SAT II - 800 Maths, 800 Lit, 790 Pysics. </p>
<p>Rank: 1 out of 221. My school finally worked a rank for me.</p>
<p>Secondary Record? Yeah its pretty much decent. Not sure how GPA works exactly but I pretty much get A's all round. I'll let UMich work out my GPA for me.</p>
<p>Extra Curricular?</p>
<p>RUGBY- the best game ever ladies and gentlemen. State Club U18's champions, state rep and on all star list at National championships.</p>
<p>State U21 Table Tennis champion (6 years running), U18 Champion. National U16 placed 3rd in championship few years ago.</p>
<p>Piano- State recital, era works U18 winner (2001, 2002, 2004, 2005) as well as LMUS diploma (highest possible diploma availble here)</p>
<p>These are the main ones. I'm going to leave out the ones that don't really mean much.</p>
<p>Pretty much I had the chance to represent my state and school in may national championships for rugby and table tennis but due to a lack of finances ... I only attended rugby cauz the club paid for the expenses. My parents are stingy because they don't really like me playing sports... especially contact ones.</p>
<p>Top in State for Maths Specialised, Economics, and Info systems.
Prize in Aus Maths Comp (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004)
Plaque in the Chemistry Quiz (2003, 2004)
Random loads of other awards.</p>
<p>Community Service?</p>
<p>Worked at Nursing Homes on almost all day Saturdays since Y7
Worked every winter holidays for the Salvation Army +
Amnesty Int Coord for Tasmania (not using this because it really is a meaningless role and I did screw up in it a bit)</p>
<p>Work Experience?</p>
<p>Well I work pretty much all my spare time weekends at the local supermarket either at the casheir or stacking boxes since y7. Doesn't pay much but enough for me to spend. Ever since I turned 18 and finished school, I run the supermarket by myself after 7pm to closing time (i close up the shop).</p>
<p>Languages? Profficient in English (duh), and Mandarin (thanks to stepmom)</p>
<p>BTW- My first choice is the Princeton ED, but if that falls through then I'm really considering UCB, Utexas, and Umich as well as a few more</p>