Well just got rejected to my ED so I need help moving on.

Also if someone could clear this notion, I heard colleges take IB with high regards, I worked hard to get a 40 predicted grade which is on average with most IB applicant to ivy league schools. Not saying that I should apply to ivy but wont my reach schools be impressed by my IB score?

The main campus of Rutgers (Rutgers-New Brunswick) is not a generic public school. I’m not suggesting it for you but hope that was not removed because of my comment. It is a flagship for NJ and has some world class programs. I did not realize you were from NJ. I thought you were from another state that lacks that level of university.

No rutgers was my parents top choice. I applied regular already deadline was december 1st

Good. One help is if you are full pay. That can make a huge difference. It is something that isn’t routinely discussed but is true. My impression is that for schools that are not need blind, full pay can add significantly to your chances of being accepted. In some cases a B student with average scores can move above an A student with higher scores. This is particularly true for the smaller competitive schools that are not quite in the upper tier but close. I’m talking about very good schools. If you are not full pay, that does not mean that you won’t be accepted but it can make it a bit tougher.

I just read another thread of yours. I hope you are writing about how the revolution did impact on your life. I am betting you are full pay. Well full pay doesn’t give you anything in terms of getting into Ivy League schools but will give you a tremendous boost to other schools. You may want to consider schools like Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Tufts in Ma, Wash U in St Louis, Franklin & Marshall, and others that are not need blind during admissions. Surprisingly many great schools are seeking full pay students and are willing to lower their requirements to get them. You are a very strong student so they would not be lowering standards or taking a risk with you-except they may ordinarily be discouraged by your SAT scores if not for being full pay.

Here is a link to a long list of schools that were still seeking paying students in May. As you will see, there are very good schools on that list. Most are hoping not to appear on such a list. I know that the list is dated but there is a list each year-couldn’t access the more recent ones).


Just read another of your threads. Are you a diver? Do you plan to dive for a school-that would be a huge leg up for you if so.

Hey lost account, thanks for taking interest in my situation

Yea honestly I didnt emphasize on the revolutions affect on me on my cornell supplement but I doubt thats what got me rejected. Do you think I should base my essays more on my experience from it?

Yea I have an advanced Divers Licence. But diving is more of a hobby which I do during the summer and winter breaks. Not sure how serious I am about undertaking diving as an athletic thing.

Both the revolutions and diving make you a very interesting candidate and would stand out in an application.


Well I can’t judge your essays-the one done or future. I’d say that I’d be very interested in how a revolution could impact a student. Seems fascinating. We haven’t had a revolution in the US in a long time so such an essay could be very memorable–but not as a “pity me” kind of essay but as an intellectual essay on the impact such a thing has on education in general and how you experienced it.

Haha the January 25th revolution pretty much gave all schools off for about 2 month.

thank you for the advice, gonna center most of my essays based on it