Well, that was anticlimactic!

I’ve officially sent all of the various pieces of my applications with all the parts showing up submitted on the checklist. But it feels very anticlimactic because there was no big final “submit.” I keep feeling like I’m missing something!!!
I didn’t get an email confirmation or anything like that.

Also, I got an email earlier from Exeter saying they’ll continue accepting materials through the end of the month. Does this seem strange to you? It made me think maybe their numbers were low?

I think that they send that to every applicant every year.

I too didn’t get an email confirmation.

Ah, okay. It seems very generous!

As Tom Petty said…
“The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part…” :)>-

What I find interesting is that even though it has an intense reputation, the people at Exeter are so warm.

I’m pretty sure they don’t accept all application materials, just recommendations and similar since those are out of an applicants control. I’m pretty sure essays have a hard deadline.