Wells, MHC etc.


<p>I am a high school junior interested in applying to Wellesley, Mount Holyoke, Bowdoin, Rice (OMG!) Tufts, Dartmouth, BC, BU...can you PLEASE chance ME for admission for any of those you care too? :) Or say which are reaches, realistics, or safeties?? Id appreciate it mucho.</p>

<p>THANKS and here are my stats below:</p>

All honors besides dumb required electives (gym, computers, health)
3 APs junior year (Bio, SPanish, Psych) and 3 to come next year (calc, stats, physics)
Mostlys As, couple B+s (semester long junior english class, honors precalc, art)
Weighted GPA: 4.72/5
No ACT/SATS yet but predicted 31 for ACT, 1950 for SATs (will do better than that though)
and planning to take Spanish/Bio/Math SAT IIs </p>

Vice president of diversity awareness club, Sub-commitee Leader of Freshman Mentoring organization, member of Math team, editor/staff writer lit magazine, National Honors Society (inducted junior year)...
AND Junior Liason to a local town commitee called Family & Youth Services</p>

<p>Mind you I don't do all those at once; some I did fresh/soph year but the first two are currently ongoing</p>

<p>Awards: NHS, a couple of local school things (poetry out loud semi finalist, poetry contest etc.)</p>

Weekly time with Alzheimers patients at retirement home (10, 11)
Weekly volunteer at pediatric dept of local hospital (11, 12)
Summers volunteering at local library (since summer before soph year)
Couple of annual events here and there like Bone Marrow Registry at local church
In NHS (that's given above though)</p>

was waitress at local retirement home for a couple of months, will look again for work once i have free time</p>

<p>Im American, but canadian-born and my parents are south asian. i love to travel and do community service>my biggest passions/hobbies</p>

<p>AND...I'm a girl, in case not mentioning that ruled me out of the women's colleges!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)</p>

<p>Wellesley - Match
Mount Holyoke - Reach/In
Bowdoin - Reach
Rice - High reach or low reach? (What’s the difference?)
Tufts - (Applied reaches with Rice)
Darmouth - No match
BU - In
BC - Reach</p>

<p>Chance me back: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/866251-anyone-can-please-chance-me-gladly-appreciate.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/866251-anyone-can-please-chance-me-gladly-appreciate.html&lt;/a&gt; :slight_smile:
I also need you to answer my question on the thread on the bottom about my “top college” transfer chances.</p>

<p>Plz post again after 1st semester jr year after u got all ur scores n stuff.</p>

<p>U dont need to rush it… :P</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! Does "match’ mean I’m a good fit and likelier to get in than not? And this is with junior year halfway done; so 1st semester is over. But I shall post again, as a senior to get it more accurate :slight_smile: THANK you again! Hope I get more input in due time :)</p>