Wesleyan ED Chances?

<p>Hi, I'm applying to Wesleyan University this fall for early decision. I'm crazy about the school, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I just have no idea what to expect -- some people say I'll definitely get in, some say I haven't got a chance. What do you think??</p>

<p>I attend an excellent private school in NYC (which sends students to great colleges). They also don't calculate GPA or class rank... my record has been lower than it should be in the past years. Mostly B's, some A's, no C's. I'm getting mostly A's this year, but they'll only get my quarter grades (how much will that improvement count?) I've had a really heavy course load (6 academics and an art each year) and I've taken 5 AP classes (my school doesn't offer APs in many subjects since they claim that their regular courses are on par with other schools APs)</p>

<p>My SAT scores are: CR 800, Math 680, Writing 780</p>

<p>In my opinion my ECs are my strong point. I've been heavily involved in theater all 4 years, I volunteer weekly at a soup kitchen, I'm a staff editor of 2 publications, and I'm on an elected class representative committee.</p>

<p>My essay is quite good, if I may say so. I love to write, so I'm hoping that skill will come across. My teachers should be writing pretty good recs. I'm doing my interview this weekend, and I generally interview well.</p>

<p>My ace up the sleeve is the letter of recommendation that I'm getting from a highly respected and successful Wesleyan graduate, who is a family friend and has followed my work in theater. This person has also been responsible for raising a lot of money for the school....</p>

<p>Whew! I've basically just given you my common app. Does anyone have a clue what my chances are?</p>

<p>You seem to be competitive. Your CR is well above average but your math is barely within the middle 50% (based on the last common data set I found). I think your ECs will resonate with the school. However, the select rate for Wesleyan is not very high.</p>

<p>I’d say that you’re a pretty strong candidate</p>