<p>I’ve really enjoyed reading this thread, thanks.</p>
<p>I am considering applying ED to Wesleyan, but I am worried about the (seemingly) large percentage of people that get drunk/stoned every weekend. I am not planning on being a party person (alcohol or no alcohol) during college, but I definitely am attracted to Wesleyan’s relaxed academic atmosphere. (I’m a pretty intense/easily-stressed person myself and have had a stressful highschool experience, so I’d really like college to be a time when I can sit back and <em>enjoy</em> what I’m learning and savor each class. I have had good friends and relatives at Swarthmore who, although they were truly brilliant people, found the academic climate too intense and stressful and dropped out. I don’t want to be miserable in college).</p>
<p>However, I find myself tempted by the low numbers on “uni go.com” that Swat has for alcohol, in comparison to Wesleyan (actually, just one point lower). Is there a huge amount of difference in the alcohol/drug scene? (Please say no).</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I am also tempted by the greener, quieter campus and surroundings at Swat in comparison to Wes… But I think I would be miserable with the heavy workload at Swat. (I am applying to Wellesley as a kind of middle ground school, I’m hoping. Serious students and atmosphere plus beautiful campus, but not as scary academically as Swarthmore). (I’m also applying to Haverford which I hear is also less intense academically as Swat, but I hear they also drink a lot and the arts scene, which I’d love to be a part of, isn’t so great at Haverford).</p>
<p>Basically, I want
-Serious, interesting, sarcastic, kind, open, slightly “quirky” (but not too quirky) students
-Relaxed academic climate
-Good performing arts (just for extracurriculars)
-Political activism (also extracurricular)
-Nice, green campus
-Community feeling</p>
<p>Advice?? I would love you forever.
(ie Is Wes that different from Swat in terms of social scene? I know there are little nuances you can nit-pick on, but overall, are the kids at Wes much bigger party people than the ones at Swat?) (Is there a school that is better for me than Wes? Do you think I’d prefer Wellesley, Vassar, Oberlin, Haverford, or some other place?)</p>