West Lafayette = College Town?

<p>I love college towns, and that is, in fact, one of the big deciding factors for me in deciding where to go for grad school. Right now Purdue has a slight edge over my other top choices (Iowa, Iowa State, Indiana, and Kansas), but I'm leaning more towards the others because of the college town dynamic. West Lafayette seems more like a plain old small town, as opposed to a real deal college down.</p>

<p>So...talk me down, Boilermakers. Sell West Lafayette to me!</p>

<p>West Lafayette is definitely considered a college town as much as any other city...it has a street full of bars that are packed at least 3 days a week. Plus it has Cactus where on thirsty thursdays its $5 cover and 10 cent beers where they fill up your huge cactus cup...basically you can get wasted on 10 bucks every thursday...other than that not much else haha.</p>

<p>I want more than bars, though. I want culture, museums, affluence...all that crap. Does West Lafayette deliver?</p>

<p>Being 10 minutes from NYC, I know how a kickin environment can be to live in. Living in Indiana, specifically West Lafayette is one of the best decisions in my life rather than going to Mich. State. I think this downtown is quite awesome with the food, hookah bars, bars. Honestly screw the museum and that stuff. If you don't like West Lafayette, don't come here and regret it.</p>

<p>There's a few museums in the area. Many in Lafayette across the bridge. If you like history, there's different places especially concerning the Battle of Tippecanoe.</p>

<p>i forgot to mention, but West Lafayette was named the #6 Most Educated Small Town by Forbes. here's the link.</p>

<p>In</a> Depth: America's Most Educated Small Towns - Forbes.com</p>

<p>Umm...I don't know what you think of when you think of college towns. Not many college towns I know of have any good museums. But then again, if you want culture and stuff, Indianapolis is an hour away and Chicago is 2.5 hrs away if you want to sightsee of want culture.</p>

<p>West Lafayette is a good college town. Life definitely revolves around Purdue with all the bars, places to eat, and Harry's Chocolate shop. Lafayette across the river however, is not all that nice once you pass a certain point</p>

<p>I actually thought West Lafayette wasn't much of a college town at all, from what I seen on google street view.</p>