Western Washington University Testing Center?

<p>Anyone who was in teh Science lecture hall... where the cell phone was going off and the proctor was an older caucasian lady who was moving boxes during section 5... and another proctor coming in to talk to her.. and a younger shorter asian girl as the other proctor..</p>

<p>Anyone in teh same room as me? PM ME</p>

<p>probably not. there are very few people from washington on this site.</p>

<p>hey i'm from washington! :D</p>

<p>but i took my sats at university of washington though...
it was pretty horrible because they ran out of room and made us go take it in this auditorium thingy which didn't have any desks, just these tiny table things that you pull up from the armrest. ahhhhh!!!</p>


but i took my sats at university of washington though...
it was pretty horrible because they ran out of room and made us go take it in this auditorium thingy which didn't have any desks, just these tiny table things that you pull up from the armrest. ahhhhh!!!


<p>oh thats too bad. i took it at my local community college, which i attend part time. so i knew where everything was, so that was nice. and they just remodeled this building, and the desks are really nice and there are really comfortable chairs. so i liked my testing center.</p>