Wha grade is AP euro normally taken in?

<p>what grade were you in when u took AP Euro? I hear a lot of sophomores and seniors take it.</p>

<p>a standard Calif history curriculum is World, US, Euro, Gov, so jr year is popular. (Civics is required for graduation, so top students take AP Govt)</p>

<p>at our school, euro is in senior year, but i heard that's it's usually sophomore</p>

<p>It is usually senior. That's what our AP Euro teacher said. However, our school does it for the sophomore. Either that or normal World HIstory</p>

<p>At our school it is sophmore mandatory.</p>

<p>We take it senior year...we don't have AP World, but if we did, that would be sophomore year</p>

<p>we don't have it, but anyone who self-studies does it Sr. year.</p>

<p>At my school it's mainly sophomores but open to anyone. I'm taking it as a senior. It's not a hard class but soo much information -- a lot of the sophomores in my class do poorly because they're not used to that much reading. It's supposed to be an 'intro to AP' and it is in terms of classwork but the Euro sophomores at my school are notorious for getting 3s and lower on the AP exam. So, go figure. I dunno.</p>

<p>At my school it is the only AP class offered for sophomores. And only sophomores may take it.</p>

<p>Though it seems like a senior level class....it's so hard.</p>

<p>At my school, it is the only AP offered to sophomores, so sophomores usually take it.</p>

<p>yeah World is like that at my school. AP World is the only one offered to sophomores, so those are the ones that usually take it (although i suspect this year's class will do horribly, seeing as the teacher (whom i thought did a decent job) was fired/resigned (not sure which) and had to be replaced by someone who doesnt teach and gives everyone A's, or so i've heard).</p>

<p>optional, for sophmores only</p>

<p>it depends on the part of the country you live in
in the new jersey, its generally a senior course
(since NJ law mandates two years of US history, we have 9th - world, 10and 11 - US, 12 Euro)</p>

<p>our school doesn't have AP.</p>

<p>our honors world history class is the highest 'euro' class (says world history, but is actually european history)
the students w/ the top grades in honors world history can review extra concepts w/ the teacher after school and take the AP test.</p>

<p>I didn't take the AP test for Euro. 3 reasons.
1) Me and the teacher = not on good terms in the least. I was pro-Bush, she was pro-Liberal Douche.
2)related to #1, b/c I wasn't on good terms, she didn't pick me to be part of the group (but someone w/ a lower grade than me got in)
3)I didn't really care much about APs in that grade..... stupid of me.</p>

<p>oh btw, this was in 10th grade, sophmore year.</p>

<p>NJ law mandate two year of US??? Man....that's a bummer. We do world in sophomore year, US in junior and Euro in senior (if at all, it's entirely optional and, until this year, only about 30 took the class). </p>

<p>Two years of US, though....how would you do that without it getting incredibly redudant and old?</p>

<p>US I = 1492 - Gilded Age
US II = Gilded Age - Present</p>

<p>We spend a lot of time on Historiography and different schools of though</p>

<p>Ah...makes a little more sense. Still, yuck!</p>

<p>At my school it is the only AP tenth graders can take but you will have a lot of seniors take as an elective with US Gov't</p>

<p>In my part of VA the standard is</p>

<p>8th- World History I
9th- World History II (No AP)
10th- World Geo (can be replaced by AP Euro)
11th- US History or APUSH
12th- US Gov't or AP Gov't</p>