<p>Alright, so I am currently finishing up my junior year of high school at Lehigh Senior High School. Two more weeks and I will officially be considered a senior! :D Woo! Anyway, I am also in the "Dual Enrollment" program through Edison State College, and I have taken approximately twenty or more college classes since my freshman year of high school. I will graduate in May of 2012 with my Associate of Arts degree, along with my high school diploma. As you can tell, all through high school I have worked to my full potential and have been self-motivated and driven, and I would love some input as to what you all think my chances would be for any of my top three choices of schools: University of South Florida, University of Florida, and University of Central Florida. :) </p>
<p>Ninth grade [regular seven-period per day schedule]:
Global Studies: B
Driver's Education: A
Geometry Honors: C
Spanish I: A
Health [first semester]: A
Physical Education: [second semester]: A
English I Honors: A
Biology I Honors: B</p>
<p>Tenth grade [blocked schedule - four different classes every other day]:
TV Production [first semester]: A
Student Aide [second semester]: A
English II Honors: A
Creative Writing [first semester]: A
World History Honors: B
Chemistry I Honors: B
Algebra II Honors: B
Journalism: B
College Success Skills [second semester]: A
Spanish II: C</p>
<p>Eleventh grade [blocked schedule]:
Dual Enrollment Lab: [we don't get graded for this because it is not technically a "class"]
Anatomy & Physiology [first semester]: B
Voluntary Public Service - tutoring ESE children [second semester]: A
College Algebra [first semester]: C
Liberal Arts Mathematics [second semester]: Currently a B
Advanced Placement United State History: Currently an A
Yearbook: Currently an A
Dual Enrollment Lab: [do not get graded for this]
On-the-Job Training: Currently an A
Composition II [first semester]: B
British Literature II [second semester]: B</p>
<p>My "senior year" will begin in August, but I will not be attending my high school at all. By the end of this school year, I will have fulfilled all of my high school's graduation requirements and there will be no need for me to attend my high school. I will instead become an "Early Admission" full-time college student at Edison State College for the entirety of my senior year. (Don't worry - I will not be slacking my senior year away. I am going to take at least four college classes per semester, as well as keeping my part-time job.) I will still be involved with my high school in regards to extra-curriculars [I will most likely become Editor of my school's yearbook], for example, and senior activities. :)</p>
<p>As for extra-curriculars, I have been involved in Dual Enrollment since I was a freshman and National Honor Society since my sophomore year of high school. I also began dancing at a studio (outside of my school) this past year. I became a part of the Yearbook staff this past school year and will continue that for my senior year, and I may become the Editor. In addition, I also hold a part-time job at a law firm and have held this job for about three years now. Also, when I officially become an Early Admission student in August, I will be applying for a spot in Edison State College's "Honors College". (It was suggested to me that I should apply by some staff members at Edison and I am very enthusiastic about the idea. I am working on my essay and obtaining two professor recommendations at the moment.)</p>
<p>My current high school GPA is: 3.1 unweighted and a 4.1 weighted.
My current college GPA is somewhat unknown at the moment, being that the Spring semester is ending, but I will edit this post with my current GPA as soon as I find out, which should be within the next week. My guess is that it will be about a 2.9. (For the record, my college grades range for A's, to B's, with a few C's).</p>
<p>I took the ACT twice so far; I may take it one more time to attempt to score a 28 or higher, because I am not completely satisfied with my current scores and I need at least a 28 for a 100% Florida Bright Futures Scholarship. :)</p>
<p>The first time I took the ACT:
English: 29
Math: 22
Reading: 28
Science: 25
Writing: 27
Composite: 26</p>
<p>Second time for the ACT:
English: 34
Math: 23
Reading: 28
Science: 21
Writing: 31
Composite: 27</p>
<p>I have not taken the SAT, nor do I plan to, but I feel that if I take the ACT just one more time, I might be able to get a 28 or better. :)</p>
<p>So, if you would like any additional information, let me know. I would love to hear your input and I would really like to know what you think my chances would be for these schools. I have my heart set on USF, because ever since I toured it, I fell in love with it, but UF and UCF are my other two top choices. :)</p>