Wharton at Penn or Hotel School at Cornell?

<p>Hi there…
Which one is better for Business Undergraduate Program:</p>

<p>Wharton or Hotel School at Cornell ???</p>

<p>Please comment in view of</p>

<li><p>difficulty of the course and work load (include competitiveness…cutthroat etc)</p></li>
<li><p>Campus life (including friendliness among students and helpfulness of the professors etc)</p></li>
<li><p>Job opportunity and advancement (including entrance salary, type of employers etc)</p></li>
<li><p>Chance of going to Graduate School (Ivy League0 after few year of working</p></li>

<p>cornell has an undergraduate business school if you want that too.</p>

<p>Is this even a question?</p>

<p>Is this a joke ?</p>

<p>You do realize that this is the Upenn board. </p>

<p>Even if its not, it is common sense that Wharton Business is better than Cornell.</p>

<p>Wharton is simply better.</p>

<p>any evidences or supports....should be millions ...right??what are they?</p>

<p>Why compare an undergraduate business program to a hotel school? For a true comparison, compare Cornell's accredited undergraduate business program (Applied Economics & Management in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) to Wharton of Penn. </p>

<p>Wharton has long been the recognized standard of excellence in undergraduate business. AEM at Cornell is a young program but has risen in the ranks rather nicely and rapidly. AEM draws the very best recruiters among many other excellent aspects. Would you go wrong at either? I don't think so. Is Wharton better? Yes. Is AEM really good? Yes.</p>

<p>hi because I have applied to Hotel & Wharton but I do have any prefence between them....so if I got accepted by both schools...what should I do..?</p>

<p>Do you want to own a restaurant or hotel? If so, go to Cornell. Do you want to be a businessman? If so, go to Wharton.</p>

<p>If you are interested in Hotel management consider University of Howaii.</p>

<p>ahahahahah hotel school....</p>

<p>that pretty much sums up my opinion of Cornell</p>

<p>senior what's your impression on cornell....hehehehe</p>

<p>that is the point...</p>

<p>to strive to be a hotel or restaurant owner or to be a successful businessman...which is better.....any hints??</p>

<p>You are asking random internet posters for career path selection? Thats HILARIOUS!</p>

<p>Mods, pleassseeee delete this thread. It's trash.</p>

<p>come on...show some respect or else what do other think about the school</p>

<p>Is there seriously a hotel school at Cornell? It doesn't really seem like an Ivy thing to do - even for Cornell, and how can you spend 4 years just learning about how to run a hotel in a classroom?</p>

<p>I think hospitality mangement is its offical name, I think they learn about every aspect of the hotel business.....</p>

<p>What a lame way to spend your college years. Most successful college-educated business people just did what they wanted in college and then got into business - I think thats definately the way to go.</p>