<p>I wanna go so bad . . .</p>
<p>What are my chances?</p>
<p>Top east coast prep school
We dont rank but I am approx top 15% (about 30% of the class goes ivy)
3.8 GPA unweighted</p>
<p>SAT 1520
Writing 800
Math IIC 750
Bio 760
Nat Merit (PSAT 232)</p>
<p>AP Macro 5
AP Bio 5
AP Eng 5
AP Latin 5
AP US Hist 5</p>
<p>Currently taking AP BC, AP Europe, AP Stats, AP Micro</p>
<p>Solid ECs but no killer hook</p>
<li>Drama appeared in 15 productions over the past few years, attended summer camps, interned with summer program, Improv program</li>
<li>School paper number 2 in the editorial hierarchy</li>
<li>Write weekly column for local rag</li>
<li>Varsity rock climbing </li>
<li>Varsity crew (cox)</li>
<li>Editor literary magazine</li>
<li>Fed Challenge</li>
<li>Summer fellowship for studying Turkish business community; stayed in country two weeks interviewing execs</li>
<li>Debating Club</li>
<p>Very strong recs</p>
<p>Any thoughts??</p>