
<p>I just want to get your opinions...what are my odds for Wharton ED?</p>

<p>School doesn't give GPA- top 10%
SATII-790 Math II
770 Physics
760 US History
APs: 5-BC 5-Latin 4-US History
Essays-Very Good
REC's: Very, very good. My teachers love me.
EC's: Very strong. Founded and lead two organizations on anti-genocide, one political. Organized at least 4 speakers, 5 fundraisers, 3 trips and 10 other events as president of those orgs. Also, VP of religious org, peer tutor and pen pal comm. serv.
Work at Non-Profit in summers in DC.</p>

<p>Race: None that will help.
State: None that will help.</p>

<p>Pretty darn good chances. Can’t say there would be too many people above you anyways. I’d say you have a better shot than your typical Wharton applicant, and that’s saying something. Good luck!</p>

<p>Cool! Thanks so much</p>

<p>Bump…Anyone else?</p>

<p>It’s hard to say…you have what they’re looking for in terms of leadership, but I’m not sure about your GPA (you’ll have to at least give a more specific rank). Everything else is in range, but not exactly stellar. Unless your school limits the APs, you might have taken too few for Wharton. Normal acceptance rate for Wharton hovers at around 23%, I’d give you a 30% chance of getting in.</p>

<p>being in in the 9th or 10th %ile at your school is really not so great unless you go to one of the best schools out there. in a typical year at your school, where do the kids in the 10th percentile tend to go? ask your counselor. if students of your rank tend to go to your state flagship or boston college, then you have a problem.</p>

<p>More details…</p>

<p>Around 1/3 of my school goes Ivy each year. It is one of the top schools in the US.
We (or at least the faculty) also frown upon the AP program. We currently only offer 5 or 6 AP titled courses, but of my courses, 4 are above AP level.</p>