What am I qualified for?

<p>Ok so I'm not some super-student like most of you here, but I do have high aspirations. My sophomore and freshman years were bad, but I've been on a steady increase.
Freshman gpa - 2.7/2.8
Sophomore- 2.9/3.0
junior- 3.4/3.7
sat- 1800 CR- 640 M 560 WR- 600 (essay: 12)
i plan to retake it and have around a 1900.
white/roman catholic
parents divorced
High school- St. Ignatius College Prep
I am the captain of the crew team. I have been in contact with a few major schools for recruitment. i.e. harvard, yale, dartmouth.
i am taking 3 ap's next year
i am the founder of a Ronald McDonald house visitation program.
i am a member of a pallbearers society.
chess club president, 2004 city champ
latin club
mission trip to hungary this summer to help underprivileged kids.
volunteered at William Patrick Day- a children's mental retardation pre-school.
corporal support squad
in total 300+ hours service.</p>

<p>so basically I'm asking where i have a chance to go to college.
Thanks for your time!!!</p>

<p>unless ur good enough to get recruited, harvard+yale are very high reaches
u might have a chance at dartmouth if u raise ur sat score</p>

<p>Your community services look awesome but they don't make up for your grades. Don't be discouraged by your SAT scores.
Notre Dame, William and Mary, and decent liberal arts schools look good for you. What do you want to go into?</p>

<p>even with the recruitment harvard,yale,etc. dont look great but possible</p>

<p>Yeah, I am not realistically thinking about Harvard, but i just wanted to show that i was near that level in my sport, because crew doesnt have the usual "all state" "all american" etc...
i am interested in medical fields, or journalism.
i would love to go somewhere like boston college, northwestern, notre dame, georgetown. They are very hard reaches i know.</p>

<p>nono i think with a 1900 on your sats and recruitment theyre not EXTREMELy unrealistic but schools like bc,nw,notredame,and gtown are probably much more likely than hyp</p>


<p>i really would like some suggestions as to what sort of colleges are reasonable for this kind of a resume. and what i should work on.</p>



<p>...so i gave it a few weeks for the embarrassing third bump... but here goes...</p>

<p>still very interested in
Notre dame
Miami Fl.
Miami OH.
Michigan </p>

<p>thanks guys i would love to hear anything at all!</p>

<p>Georgetown and Northwestern would be big reaches...</p>

<p>i know, they are a bit high. but im just throwing some suggestions out there, im looking for any that anyone might suggest as well.

<p>providence would be a safety, nova a match/safety, bc probably a match but theyre unpredictable sometimes and georgetown is impossible in my opinion for everyone haha but go for it! and notre dame is kinda rough too same as bc you should probably be in but who knows.</p>

<p>If you raise your Math (this is my worst section too!) to at least 600 and keep raising your GPA...</p>

Notre dame...match/reach
Michigan ...which one? for Michigan state = safety...for UMichigan = reach</p>

<p>thanks, yeah i was talking about UM. but im from out of state so.. thats gunna be hard...</p>

<p>has anyone here gotten in to a college as a result of crew?</p>