What are HOLDS?

<p>I just went on myucla and in red at the top it said that I have HOLD(S) as of June 18, 2005. What exactly is a hold?</p>

<p>That's not good, try to get it cleared up as quickly as possible. Basically, with a hold on your record, you can't access course registration (that's probably the most important thing you have to worry about for now). </p>

<p>Find out whatever it is they put a hold on your record for, and get it fixed before orientation, otherwise you won't be able to sign up for classes. </p>

<p>I had a hold put on my record last summer because my highschool registrar sent my transcript to the wrong address, it sucked, especially since it wasn't even my fault.</p>

<p>how can you clear it up?</p>

<p>Find what they put the hold on your record for.</p>

<p>For example, I had to call my registrar and tell her to resend my transcript. My hold got taken off once they received it.</p>

<p>I have a hold for hepatitis B shots :|</p>

<p>okay, thanks.
so i just call the admissions office and ask what my hold is for?</p>

<p>Yeah I have a hold for hepatitis B too. But, how do you send them records and all that? Their student health website has so many broken links and doesn't tell you much.
You can check what your hold is for on ursa.ucla.edu</p>

<p>oh dear that's my hold too...so where do i send that stuff?</p>

<p>go to your URSA (<a href="http://www.ursa.ucla.edu)%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.ursa.ucla.edu)&lt;/a>, log in and check your holds. If it's the hepatitis B one, they provide the UCLA health website. Go to the website, and select Hep B from a pull down menu somewhere and you submit the necessary information. You just need your physician's name, phone #, address, and the date you got your last shot. :0) hope this helps!</p>

<p>yay my hold's gone :)! </p>

<p>it's amazing, for such a big school, everything is done SO efficiently! i love it.</p>

<p>I'm not too impressed. The experience with UCLA has been mediocre so far, at least compared to other UCs. They don't try very hard to impress their students.</p>

<p>I agree - there is so much information that you have to find out for yourself. Other colleges even sent out housing and class information before I turned in my SIR.</p>

<p>I'm not sure what my hold is for, but on the URSA site it says... </p>

<p>"UARS - Failure to meet Provisions - 1147 Murphy"</p>

<p>I'm worried that this means my admission has been revoked, but I'm hoping it's just a transcript issue since I was having some problems with my JC sending it. I got 1 A and 5 Cs in the spring...no grades lower than a C, and my cumulative GPA is still over 3.</p>

<p>If the hold is for transcript issues, does anyone know what they put on the URSA site? Based on my situation, does it look like my admission has been revoked, or is something else going on?</p>

<p>Once again go look at my post on the transfer board, but I think you're basically out of luck.</p>

<p>Hm..Like I said earlier I had a hold for Hepatitis B and I never sent the information in. I just checked today and ursa says I have no holds. Did this happen to anyone else? Did they jsut screw up or something?</p>

<p>mine went away also! i'm confused</p>

<p>my hold went away too...I guess this is a good thing =-/</p>