<p>hey, i have a hold on ursa, when i try to access the enrollment menu it says, "#
There are holds on your record and you may not process enrollment until they are removed. To review your holds, choose "HOLDS" on the URSA Online Main Menu"</p>
<p>and when i go to the the holds part of ursa it says:</p>
<p>So I immediately went through the ashe center online thing for hepatitis B since i took the entire series a while ago and it says that " We will notify UCLA that you have satisfied the requirement." so i was wondering if anyone has been in this situation and knows how long it takes until its resolved and the hold is lifted, because i need to switch into an open section and i can't as long as that hold is in place</p>
<p>same thing happened to me and i went through with the online service
i did it on friday night and i still have the hold…
it sucks that i didnt get any notification or warning of this…’
now i cant register for my summer classes</p>
<p>hi, im having the same problem. i tried to do the ashe online thing but it doesnt work. it keeps on saying something about “remote secured error”. need help plz. i really need to register for my classes…</p>
<p>same thing happened to me. i completed the series at the beginning of the year (or before the year started) and i redid it a couple days ago just to be sure…</p>
<p>i emailed ashe (<a href=“mailto:shshepb@ashe.ucla.edu”>shshepb@ashe.ucla.edu</a>) and they promptly responded saying:</p>
<p>"Thanks for your message. Ive gone ahead and checked our records and they indicate that you successfully submitted your information to our website last night around 10pm. It usually takes 1-2 business days for the hold on your records to be released. However, in the interest of your need to view your grades and enroll for classes, Ive gone ahead and manually released the hold. I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me should you have any further questions or concerns.</p>
<p>Enjoy your Spring Break!"</p>
<p>i emailed her back and said that even though i redid it “last night,” i had already completed it earlier and she said “My apologies for any misunderstanding. All has been resolved.”</p>