<p>In my searchings I'm seeing multiple colleges listing "International student groups" as activities. SO what exactly are these?</p>
<p>Also, int.'s who are at college, do the internationals tend to veer off?</p>
<p>In my searchings I'm seeing multiple colleges listing "International student groups" as activities. SO what exactly are these?</p>
<p>Also, int.'s who are at college, do the internationals tend to veer off?</p>
<p>Many colleges have international student associations.</p>
<p>What do you mean by "veer off"? If you mean isolate themselves - it depends. I almost never hang out with international people; I know all of them, and am friends with all of them - but I hang out with mostly Americans (and a couple of other international students.) I know some international students who pretty much hang out only with other international students. It's not hard to find American friends. Not hard at all.</p>
<p>hey, TheOneCurlyFry where r u studying in US?</p>
<p>shes at oberlin</p>