What are my chances? 10th grade applicant 2023

okay, thank you for the advice :slight_smile:

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No problem, you can ask if you have any more questions. Here’s the hidden gems thread if it helps.

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Your resume looks like many other international students, but your violin ability could help you in the admissions of some of these schools. Since Lawrenceville is test required, it might be tough for you to get in because of your low SSAT score. If you can retake, you should aim for 85-90’s since you’re applying for the 10th grade. I also recommend applying to schools with a higher acceptance rate to have a better chance of getting into a school. Good luck!

okay, thanks for the advice! :slight_smile:

If boarding school is very important to you I recommend applying to a wider range of schools. The 32 section score is a red flag for top level schools. That is low enough to make admitting you a problem unless you are a top recruited athlete and even then I think you’d have to be looking at schools like Tabor or episcopal.


Violin will help if you can play complete movements of concertos like Bruch, Mozart 5, and Mendelssohn at a high level; otherwise it won’t make much difference in your chances.

thanks for the advice! I’ll be taking the SSAT again soon, hopefully getting a higher verbal score and raise my overall perrcentile.

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I would consider myself a pretty advanced player (I can play/ have played the pieces you listed). Do you suggest I do anything to increase my chances?

If you haven’t already, you can send in a video of you playing one of the aforementioned pieces or any other pieces at that level.

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I’ve sent one of the most recent ones (this past summer). Thanks for the advice!

You could also get in touch with department heads of the music department and talk about your interest and any questions you have.