What are my chances anyone?

<p>I am currently a Rising Senior in my HS, which is a good public school near DC.
When I start applying to colleges in the fall I will basically put this on my application</p>

UW: 2.9 W: 3.33</p>

<p>[Rank: 180/440 top 50% of my class] last time I looked at it it was my Junior first semester</p>

<p>AP: AP English (B), AP Calculus (B), AP US History (B) I get my AP test results this July!!! :]</p>

<p>Honors: Lot's mostly B's
I have an 8 class schedule.</p>

<p>Next year I am going to be taking:
AP Lit
AP Human Geography
AP World History (Back-up)
AP Calculus BC
AP Spanish Lit
AP Physics
AP Statistics
Yearbook (Back-up)</p>

<p>I am currently reaching for a 2300 or higher on the SAT's if anything lower than that I probably won't apply to colleges.</p>

<p>Things to notice:
- I will be the first in my family to graduate and go to college.
- I have okay EC's
- I have moved to 3 different high school's
- Hispanic Female </p>

<p>I want to get into Berkeley, GW, Georgetown, Virginia Tech, Penn State, NYU ?.?.?.
You Can be sincerely Honest, as I will probably still apply to these colleges no matter what :)</p>

<p>Why wouldnt you apply if you got lower than a 2300?</p>

<p>I mean that is the score I am hoping for if anything lower than that I will probably write a letter.</p>

<p>anybody else?</p>

<p>With your GPA it is going to be a challenge for scholarships but you can do it. Try to make a list of schools safety/matches/reach. Take the ACT and SAT’s as many as you can. A good essay wiil be essential. You have good chances. Keep working hard especially for your first semester next year.</p>



<p>I don’t understand, who are you going to write a letter to?</p>

<p>Have you taken the SAT at all yet? How about SAT IIs?</p>

<p>In what state are you a resident?</p>

<p>for NYU you can substitute your SAT for sat II’s and ap scores</p>

<p>I second entomom’s question, who would you write the letter to?</p>

<p>Could you please explain about the letter?</p>



<p>So are these just part of your list? Do you have solid admissions and financial safeties?</p>

<p>I don’t understand the letter thing either.</p>