<p>I'm currently a sophomore at SMC and I applied to UCLA for the Fall 2012 semester. Unfortunately I made an error on my application; I entered 2 incorrect grades and over the last 3 months or so I also had about 5 of my prior grades changed. These grade changes and my correct grades place me at a 3.94 GPA. Would UCLA look down upon all these things going on in my appeal even though my GPA sits at 3.94?</p>
<p>65 views? come on guys, help me out here.</p>
<p>Bump. I still need some help with this!</p>
<p>You should call Undergraduate Admissions and ask.
Hopefully they’ll revise their decision for you.
That’s definitely “new and compelling information”; so just ask.
If they give you the green light, which I’m sure they will, then turn in an appeal.</p>