<p>For my entire life I have always wanted to go to USC. I applied during high school but didn't get in. I decided to go to the University of Oregon. I am technically a freshman but will be a sophomore by the spring. I feel I have become more competitive since coming to the University of Oregon and would like to see if I could transfer to USC, but I don't know. Here is my resume of sort since college, do I stand a chance?</p>
<p>University of Oregon GPA: 3.6 (struggled a little my first term of college)
Finished all my pre journalism courses
Member of the "Warsaw Sports Business Club"
Started the "Standing Strong Foundation" a foundation aimed to help families of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) patients.</p>
<p>I am white, and a Native of Berkeley, California.</p>
<p>If USC doesn't work I am also looking to transfer to Ohio State, UCLA, University of Houston, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, University of North Carolina, University of Miami, and University of Texas.</p>
<p>Am I competitive for any of those schools?