Hi, I’m relatively new to collegeconfidential and was wondering what my chances were of getting admitted into these schools? I’m looking to apply mostly to UC schools. I dropped the ball during my junior year unfortunately due to life circumstances which I seek to explain in my college application. My grades for second semester aren’t looking too hot either. What are my chances of getting admitted into a UC school?
GPA: (cumulative including freshman yr) 4.1
SAT: 1700 solid (first SAT w/ out prep), will re-take and aiming for 2100+
Sophomore Yr.
Language Arts MYP/Honors: A/A-
Chemistry Honors: A/B+
Chamber Choir: A+/A+
AP World History: A/A
Spanish 3: B+/B+
Algebra 2: B/B-
Junior Yr (first semester)
IB Language: B+
AP Physics 1: B-
Chamber Choir: A+
Precalculus: D+
AP Spanish: B+
-Key Club Executive Assistant
(June 2014- Present) 2-year term (will continue senior year)
Raised $4,000+ for Pediatric Trauma Prevention
Raised $2,000+ for Project Eliminate: Key Club project to eliminate neonatal tetanus
-Key Club President
Description: 200 hours of service
Leading Key Club of around ~120 members
Raised $1,500 as Vice President for Leukaemia Patients
- Vice President of Christian Club (recently elected President):
(June 2013-Present)
-Tenor Section Leader for Advanced Choir w/ Invitation to Perform at Carnegie Hall :
Description: Worked with choir team as vocal coach/instructor, hosted
sectionals/singing classes throughout the year, taught fellow
choristers good music/singing technique
-Treasurer for Medical Honors Society:
Description: Management of Club funds, directories, and budget
-Copy Editor for School Newspaper
(2013-Present) (2 year position)
Description: Editor of high school newspaper, worked to proofread
articles and edit online newspaper
Honestly, your grades aren’t looking that great but I’m sure that if you thoroughly explain the life situation you were going through, you will surely gain empathy from the admission offices. Your EC’s are VERY good, and that will definitely help out your overall application immensely. In my opinion, you will be able to have a chance with UC schools, but the deciding factor will be the SAT. Try raising that up, and you should be fine!
Also, have you considered taking the ACT? Some people find that the ACT is much easier for them, and it might be for you. For instance, one of my friends received a 35 on the ACT but a 1900 on the SAT, but that’s because she was just so much better at the ACT. Work hard, and good luck!
Also if you are in-state, you will gain more preference from the UC schools as well.
Your grades look pretty solid except for that one D. I remember seeing that UC’s do not accept anyone with D’s, but I would check with somebody to make sure.
If the D and C don’t matter, then your GPA is fine for UCI and UCR. UCSB is getting much more competitive these days so that’s a toss-up.
For the schools you mentioned, grades are by far the most important. UC’s don’t look at senior grades so you have these last couple of weeks to really buckle down and hopefully get all A’s and B’s.
EDIT: Since you had special circumstances junior year, definitely mention that in the additional information section in the UC App. Depending on how serious your circumstances were, your grades will not be looked as harshly upon.
Are you retaking the pre-calculus class? The D+ and C+ will hurt your chances. For the UC’s, a-g courses require a C or higher. You also need to calculate your UC GPA: http://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-
UC’s only use 10-11th grades for GPA.
You best UC target schools would be UCR/ UCM and UCSC due to GPA and SAT scores. UCI is very GPA focused and likes high GPA’s and will be more for forgiving with lower test scores. UCSB is the opposite and considers GPA/test scores 50% of your application and essays/EC’s the other 50%.
Definitely mention your circumstances and how it has effected your grades. Since it seems you are a California resident include some competitive Cal States to your list depending intended major: SLO, SDSU and CSULB. Good luck
In response to grade validation for Math. Your D will calculated into your UC GPA unless you repeat the class. You have met the MINIMUM Math requirement for the UC’s, but your GPA will be effect adversely which will narrow your chances at an acceptance. Retake the class this summer and you can then replace the D with the higher grade thus increasing your GPA.
Taken from UC website:
There are two types of validation:
Validation of Coursework: “Subject Omission” – validation of a lower–level course even if the lower-level course was not actually completed.
Validation of Grades: “Grade Deficiency” – validation of D or F grades in a lower-level course after completion of a higher-level course with a grade of C or better.
The second semester of a course validates the first semester of that course or lower-level a course, even if the first semester course was at the Honors, AP/IB or College-level.
As a reminder, the original deficient grade (D and F) is still calculated in the GPA for UC freshman admissions.
Note: To remove a grade deficient from the calculation, a repeat of the exact same course is required.
7th & 8th Grade Math and LOTE: Courses completed in the seventh and eighth grades with a grade of C or higher can be used toward fulfilling the mathematics (“c”) or Language Other than English (“e”) subject requirements. Students are required to list these courses in the “Seventh / Eighth Grade Course” section on the UC application; they are not required to repeat these courses once they have entered high school. UC does not require the submission of a middle school transcript; however, it is preferable
that the courses be listed on the high school transcript.
NOTE: Beginning with students applying to the University for Fall 2015 Admission, a yearlong Geometry course must be completed. Higher-level math courses will continue to validate a grade deficiency (D or F) earned in a Geometry course, but will not validate the omission of a Geometry course.
Hi @Gumbymom thank you for your reply! I will be re-taking precalculus during my senior year. What will happen then?
Your Pre-Calc grade of D will be replaced by your new grade at the end of Senior year. unfortunately, your UC GPA will have to include your D in the calculation as of now. On the UC application, you will list the classes you take Senior year but your admission to a UC will be dependent upon the 10-11th grades. Any way you can retake the class this summer so you have the grade replaced prior to the application cycle? A community college course or on-line course might be an option. If not, then you will need to base your college list on your current grades which will be a huge disadvantage and which would eliminate all the UC’s except perhaps UCR/UCSC and UCM. I would check with your counselor, but I am pretty sure this is a problem that cannot be resolved unless you replace the grade by Fall Senior year.
Thank you very much for all your advice and time @Gumbymom . I will have to re-take the class my senior year as the other option are not available to me. I will most likely apply to CalStates and private Christian universities. Thank you for your advice again.
I got into UCI UCSB and UCR even with the D in precal!
I got into UCI UCSB and UCR even with the D in precal!
That is good to know. Did you end up retaking the class? What were your final stats that got you the acceptances? Do you think that explaining your situation helped your chances? Congratulations and great that you could overcome the problems Junior year.
Yes, I retook the class and received a B! My acceptance was due mainly to successful voice auditions into the Schools of Music. The director of vocal activities in both UCI & UCSB vouched for my acceptances! My grades first semester of senior year reflected an upward trend as well. I received 1740 on the SAT and a 3.4 UC GPA. Thank you for your help!