What are my chances at these schools?

<p>I'm looking to study Political Science or International Relations under a Pre-Law path and the go on to law school either DC or California. I would like to focus in International or Patent Law, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.</p>

<p>Schools I've applied to:
Georgia Tech</p>

<p>Schools I'm definitely applying to:
American University
Georgetown University
University of Southern California
UC Berkeley Northwestern University</p>

<p>Schools I'm thinking about:
Santa Clara University
George Washington University
UCSD UCSB (good campuses???)
College of Charleston
New York University
Emory University</p>

<p>I have a 3.4 (unweighted) GPA and a 3.6 (weighted) GPA.
I scored a 1920 (580 M 600 CR 740 W) SAT (waiting on October scores)
I scored a 27 (31 English/28 Combined English+Writing/26 Math)
Public Relations Class Council
News Editor School Paper
NSLC @ American University US Politics and Policy
Georgetown (Summer Programs) Law and Society
Model Atlanta Regional Commission (2010-2011)
Environmental Club 2 years
World Language Club 2 years
3 Part time jobs (2 for 3 months) (1 for 10 months)</p>


<p>Based on what you’ve provided above, I can tell you that Georgetown is a long shot right off the bat. However, this forum might not be the best one to get answers on your chances. I would recommend visiting the pages for the schools you’re interested in and looking at the accepted student threads. Also, there’s a Chancing forum that gets a lot more traffic than this one, so I’d recommend posting there, if you haven’t already.</p>

<p>UGA- match
Georgia Tech- slight reach</p>

<p>Schools I’m definitely applying to:
American University- idk
Georgetown University- not gonna happen
University of Southern California- not gonna happen
UC Berkeley- not gonna happen
Northwestern University- probably not gonna happen</p>

<p>Schools I’m thinking about:
UCLA- not gonna happen
Santa Clara University- idk
George Washington University - idk
UCSD UCSB (good campuses???)- maybe for ucsb… doubt it though
College of Charleston- yes. my girlfriend loves it there too!
New York University- reach
Emory University- idk</p>

<p>i’d say with the gpa and test scores, almost every single school is a reach besides uga.</p>