<p>Hey guys!</p>
<p>I'm a rising senior from a competitive public high school in New Jersey and was wondering if you could tell me what my chances are for acceptance into the schools/programs below.</p>
Math: 710
Critical Reading: 730
Writing: 790
Overall: 2230, Math and Critical Reading: 1440</p>
<p>I'm retaking the SATs in October (to hopefully boost my score above 2300)</p>
<p>ACTS: I will take them in September (hopefully 33+)</p>
Unweighted: 4.0
Weighted: 4.76</p>
<p>High School ranking:
School does not rank</p>
<p>Patient care volunteer at local hospital - approximately 500 hours: 9th to 12th grade</p>
<p>Danced Bharatanatyam (traditional South Indian dance) for seven years: arangetram (large, 4 hr solo performance and "graduation" from dance) July 2011: 9th to 12th grade</p>
<p>Held position as staff writer (9th grade), arts editor (11th grade), and managing editor (12th grade) of school newspaper</p>
<p>Held position as REBEL (Reaching Everyone By Exposing Lies) Club - against tobacco, drug, and alcohol abuse - member 9th and 10th grade and officer 11th and 12th grade</p>
<p>Participated in and helped choreographer dances forSouth Asian American Student Association (SAASA) club (annual Indian cultural programs held): 9th, 11th and 12th grade</p>
<p>Shadowed at family medical center: 10th and 11th grade</p>
<p>Applied for, garnered acceptance to, and attended Columbia Science Honors Program: 12th grade</p>
<p>Applied for, garnered acceptance to, and attended Robert Wood Johnson mini-medical program: 11th grade</p>
<p>Acted as Annual BikeFest Internship and Press Release coordinator: 11th and 12th grade</p>
<p>Tutored underprivileged children via mentoring program: 9th and 10th grade</p>
<p>Model United Nations delegate (selected to attend National American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) conference): 9th grade</p>
<p>I realize that my SAT scores are low and that my extracurricular activities aren't incredibly extraordinary, but, do you believe that I have chances at the following schools/programs? ...</p>
<p>Rutgers University (7 year accelerated medical program
Columbia University
Brown University (PLME)
Cornell University
Rice University (guaranteed medical program with Baylor School of Medicine)
Northwestern University (HPME)
The College of New Jersey (7 year accelerated medical program)
University of Pittsburgh (guaranteed medical program)
George Washington University (guaranteed medical program)</p>
<p>I also understand that the medical programs are especially difficult to garner acceptance to, so, please give me your honest opinions. All feedback is greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>