<p>SAT: 2290; 770 math, 760 writing, 760 reading
GPA: 3.95 (unweighted)
Full IB candidate (Took full IB class load junior and senior year)
IB Scores: 6 on calc test and 6 on computer science
SAT II: 800 on math II, 710 on literature
Academic Honors: National Merit Commended, full IB, National Honors Society
Practicing Aikido for 11 years, 3 years at the original dojo in Japan I teach my own class at my dojo for 2 years
Soccer for 10 years, played at premier level (highest in my state) for 3 years won multiple tournaments
Varsity Soccer for 3 years JV for 1 year
Knowledge Bowl President placed 3rd in state
Volunteer at Swedish Hospital on PCU floor for a year
Tutor at my school for struggling students for past year
Played Piano recreationally (no amazing awards) for 8 years, I just play for fun</p>
<p>I applied Early Decision to Wharton the other day, and will be applying regular decision to several other schools of slightly lower caliber all in the top 15 schools range. What are my chances?</p>
<p>my recommendation letters are both solid. I submitted a supplemental from my Aikido teacher and that one will be fantastic.</p>
<p>Also on my gpa which I know isn't that great, it was all upward trend. I had a 4.0 from sophomore year onward. I just did poorly my freshman year</p>
<p>I am doing a research project on cryptography under a mathematics professor who got his B.A. from UPenn and a PhD at University of Washington. It is very intensive and I mentioned it in my Wharton supplemental essay. I think both of my essays are somewhere between good and excellent. I talked about my transformation from when I first started Aikido when I was in 1st grade to how I teach now.</p>
<p>^I wouldn’t necessarily agree with the commenter above me.</p>
<p>I think you’re a solid applicant for all your schools, but keep in mind acceptance rates are low and there are TONS of qualified applicants out there. While you stand a chance, it isn’t a definite thing. They’re pretty much all reach schools (for everybody, regardless of even if you had a 2400/4.0). I’m sure if your essays and recs are good you will do well. Best of luck.</p>
<p>Lol, the previous poster is being just a bit optimistic. Wharton has the lowest acceptance rate out of anything. Even lower than HYPSMC. It’s like 4%, according to my friend, but I am too lazy to look it up. So, if you feel that you have a good chance at HYPSMC, then you will have around that much of a chance at Wharton. I’d say it is a low reach to a reach, just because it is Wharton. But you do definitely have an edge over most applicants. Good luck.</p>
<p>Your GPA is fantastic, which increases your chances for admission (and makes your UC GPA perfect or near perfect). Your math scores are good, but your reading/writing standardized scores aren’t as good comparatively, so use your essays to demonstrate your writing abilities. Your leadership and ECs also make you a strong candidate at all these schools, especially WashU and UCB. </p>
<p>Just make sure you also have safeties since nothing in the top 20 can be considered a match with admissions being the crap shoot that it is.</p>
<p>Thank you guys! I really appreciate your input. I would also like to ask what are some good safety school options for me? So far I only have University of Washington because it is my home state school and it has a decent business program. Any other recommendations? Also, if you would like me to chance you please provide the link as IAmTheGOAT did :)</p>
<p>I say you have an 85% to 90% chance of getting accepted to all schools. Your stats are fantastic and you are involved in a lot if ECs. What makes you so unique from all the other applicants is your participation in dojo and I think that will really make you stand out. Hopefully everything goes well! Please chance me back </p>
<p>I am not applying FA, does that make any difference? Also does ethnicity matter really? Like is there any difference between Asian or White or no…?</p>
<p>I think you have a good chance at Wharton, but I should probably also say that a majority of the people you are applying with also have a good chance. But your EC’s are cool, and obviously tests and grades are pretty good, so I think it’s a reach, but you’re in the ball park stats wise as any accepted student.
I think Wash U is probably a match, and Rice is a low reach, and Berkeley is a match. I wouldn’t necessarily still consider yourself accepted at any of the schools, because of the competition out there, but you’re very competitive and I wish you good luck!</p>