What are my chances? (Fall 2015 Application)

<p>Hi, I'm a male student from a high school in Minnesota who is considering applying to Madison as a freshman for Fall 2015. I'm also looking at some other options like the University of Iowa, the University of Minnesota and the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign). I believe Madison would be my first choice because of distance, quality (computer science major), cost (reciprocity) and its campus. From what I've found on these forums and from various other sources, it appears I might be a bit on the low end of the applicants when it comes down to my GPA and ACT, but I hope my work dedication and activity in other areas aside from academics help me get in. Without further adieu, here are my "stats":</p>

<p>GPA: 3.60 (3.72 W)
ACT: 28
- 32 math / 23 reading / 28 English / 30 science
- Retaking in October, shooting for a 30. I'll have to apply after the first Nov. deadline if I choose to wait for my next ACT score, correct?</p>

- Human Geography (3)
- World History (3)
- Calculus AB (5)
- Statistics (TBD)
- Computer Science (TBD)</p>

- Entrepreneurship: Gaming network owner since sophomore year, dedicating 10-30 hours per week throughout the year. (details: java programming, html/css web design, network administration with linux os)
- Computer Programming Job: Worked at a media software company briefly in the summer of 2013.</p>

- Varsity Soccer (9th - 12th): Roughly 15 hours per week.
- Trumpet: Since 5th grade. I have received two state "superior" ratings: one for a solo and one an ensemble performance.
- Robotics Team: Joined senior year
- Video Editing/Production: I have done various work with some youtubers and businesses to make short videos. More of a hobby though.
- Spanish: Level IV (4 years)
- AP Scholar Award
- Academic Letter (9th - 11th): School award</p>

<p>Thanks for reading!</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance. Take care to write strong essays. You can apply now and submit the new ACT score later.</p>

<p>You seem to fall in the middle of the pool- therefore good chances. btw- your weighted gpa is irrelevant, UW only use the unweighted gpa and assumes you take advantage of the most rigorous classes available.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input.</p>

<p>@Madison85‌ That didn’t even occur to me.</p>

<p>@ivycode: Can you tell me what the essay topics are on this year’s application? Is there one asking how you will enrich the community at UW-Madison? And one on describe something that goes unnoticed?</p>

<p>@Madison85 - I believe just the latter question is asked, in addition to briefly explaining what activity was most important to you & why.</p>