<p>Hello. I'm an international student (from Bulgaria) who is aiming for some of the business programs in Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, Upenn. Here is the info about me:</p>
<p>SAT I: 2090 (my first attempt) (CR:630;M:770;WR:690)</p>
<p>SAT II: I'm taking Math I,II and probably WH/physics in Oct. I will probably have 2x800 on the maths and i don't know how on the science SAT</p>
<p>TOEFL: I'm taking it in Sept</p>
<p>Awards: I have about 60 awards from mathematical competitions but they are from local competitions. The most important award is a 2nd place in a international mathematical festival in Kiev.
I have written 2 mathematical projects and one of them is with a special award from Ministry of Education.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.95 (I don't know exactly - 5.80 out of 6.00 in Bulgaria - we have 12 classes)</p>
<p>Other activities:
- One of the projects I mentioned above is economic.
- Part of a debate club.
- Part of a library club.
- Part of a mathematical club.
- Teaching mathematics to the mathematical team of my city and some younger students
- Play piano.
- A participation in a project of EU.</p>
<p>Sport: Football</p>
- work as an agent who sells innovative houses
- voluntary work in a hospital for 200h
- voluntary work in a library</p>
<p>I will try to get into Dartmouth/Brown on EA. I need a full-aid scholarship. For the RA I hope I will get a higher score on my SAT. What do you think about my chances for the EA?</p>
<p>is it a need-blind for internationals. I should look carefully which one to chose for my EA. Thanks for the comments. I’m sure I can get 2150 on SAT I but I cannot do it for EA. Is NYU Stern good and distinguished? I haven’t searched anything for NYU but with my score I have to look for some college like Boston College, NYU for EA.</p>
<p>About the math I have decided to study Mathematics and Business Studies because there are such programs in Europe (Edinburgh, Warwick) but in the USA I could choose one of them. Actually the only reason to study Math is to be really good in the post-graduate and to understand properly all the things we are going to study. Anyway I do think that my math is a plus for a business programs though :)</p>
<p>PS I do not really know but what would the college think if I write that i work out (go to fitness). It’s a good activity but don’t know whether they would like it.</p>
<p>ED is where you can only apply to one school. You’d get the results in December, I believe. Basically…if you get accepted, you must enroll to that particular school.</p>
<p>EA is a system of admissions that some schools offer. You can apply Early Action to plenty of schools and it might increase your chances of acceptance a little (as would ED). </p>
<p>The differences are:</p>
<p>ED is binding. You can only apply to one school.
EA is not binding. You can apply EA to multiple schools and you get the results earlier than if you were to apply as a regular admit.</p>
<p>NYU Stern is quite the distinguished business school. It’s prime focus is only business. So, if you’re sure business is what you want to do, NYU Stern is a school solely for business.</p>
<p>Bentley is also a business school you might want to consider.</p>
<p>I would say just take math II. And i dont think that Cornell even has an undergrad business program. Something most people dont know is that undergrad business programs really are kinda pointless. You can major in math/economics and be more prepared for business than a business major. That being said i think you obviously have a passion for both of those, so the schools i would suggest is University of Chicago. I think stats wise youve got a good shot if you bring up the SAT and write great essays. I think your stats make the schools you listed just a tad reachy for an international, but apply for sure! Another school with a great math department is NYU and youll most likely be accepted there</p>
<p>Thank you guys. What is the deadline of the EA? I will definitely make a research for NYU, Univ Of Chicago. Based on the fact that NYU has a great math department I think it could be a great option for me. I don’t know whether it is need-based for internationals but I could check it out. Thanks again. I will be grateful if someone else says his/her point of view.</p>
<p>Boyan if you are interested in extremely good math schools you should consider: Princeton, Harvard, MIT, Stanford University, University of California-Berkeley, University of Chicago, Yale, CalTech (those may be reaches/high matches for you since you are an international student). You should also consider: New York University, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of California-Los Angeles, Cornell, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Texas-Austin, Penn State, University of Maryland-College Park. Some of those may be high matches/matches for you. All the schools I listed have a common denominator- excellent math programs. In Fact, all the schools I listed above have a higher ranked mathematics department than Dartmouth according to US News. Just because a school is an Ivy, it doesn’t mean it has the best department in the nation in what you are considering. You have a very impressive background but to be honest Europeans are known to have a stonger mathematics education program than Americans (not necessarily true for graduate education). Best of luck my fellow math bud.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/756915-what-my-chances-cornell-umich-penn-st-rice-madison-nyu-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/756915-what-my-chances-cornell-umich-penn-st-rice-madison-nyu-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>thanks that’s what i needed. I will check these colleges out and ask for some of them if needed. I am sure that in Europe the math education is much stronger than in the USA. For example we have studied most of the things for the SAT until 6th grade The difference in the math education is in the graduate education. For example I am sure that I have studied a lot more than the Americans so far (I have 12 classes or more every year and I cannot choose nothing but my second language.</p>
<p>Do you think I have chances for NYU Stern for EA. I have read that they are not need blind but anyway I need a full financial aid. I will probably have 2x800 on M I,II and I don’t know some science subject. Would it be problem if I do not take any science subject. As far as I know only MIT wants a science subject but would it decrease my chances for the other colleges?</p>
<p>Almost no one gets full financial aid at NYU. They are known for poor aid to all,and large loans, but even worse for internationals. Look at aid at many of the schools mentioned carefully–Dartmouth will be the best, Brown will meet need too if accepted but usually less generously.</p>
<p>Is there any list of schools which do give financial aids at all. I am concerned for my ED choice. I really have to get into some university and the money are problem so I have to make a good decision based not only on my desire but also on the real chance of getting into.</p>