What are my chances for Rutgers New Brunswick campus

<p>So this is basically a "can my sat score save me from my shitty gpa and class rank and lack of extracurricular activities" thread. I'm going into my senior year.</p>

<p>The (what I consider) good:</p>

<p>• 1800 SAT with a ton of room for improvement. From my practice tests, I can assume to achieve around a 2000.
• Work experience. I don't know how helpful this will be, but I have been working since March '14. Within 3 months, I advanced from a busboy to a server. Not sure if this rapid advancement will even be looked at. Annnd that basically sums up the good.
• In state
• 3.23 GPA in my school that uses a 4.3 GPA scale.
• Class rank. I'm right around the middle 50, maybe a little lower.
• No extracurricular activities. </p>

<p>Things I can work on :
• Clubs? I can join debate team and other various clubs around the school at the start of next year. Will this affect anything? </p>

<p>• Better my GPA. How much can I actually improve within these first couple of months? </p>


<p>Rutgers is basically my only choice at the moment. Their application deadlines are November 1st for early action and December 1st for regular action. Should I wait for regular action so I can get more volunteer hours in as well as more time to better my GPA and join extra clubs?</p>

<p>Also, I never took physics. In my school, it's normally biology , then chem, then physics, then whatever you want senior, usually forensics. Instead of physics, I took ap biology and ended the year with an 85. Next year i am taking AP chem. I don't know if this matters, but i'm looking to major in biology. These are the only AP/honors classes I have taken, everything else is at an academic level. (regular-academic-honors-AP) </p>

<p>Should I take physics instead of chem? </p>

<p>So, what are my chances? What can I improve in time for the deadline? I'll take any suggestions, thank you very much :) </p>

<p>I would say you are a high match due to your rather low GPA. Regarding physics and chem, I would say it goes by preference.</p>

<p>Rutgers SAS/SEBS/MG: Low match/Match
Rutgers business/engineering/nursing: High match
Rutgers 0-6 PharmD: High reach</p>

<p>@Catria , I’m sort of confused, lol. Does high match mean it’s a bit out of reach, low match means it could be like a safety school, and high reach is out of my range ? Thank you for your input :slight_smile: </p>

<p>anyone else have an opinion :> </p>