What are my chances for the given colleges?

I’m currently a final year Diploma student (Computer Science) and my aim is to study “Mathematics and Computer Science” or just “Computer Science” at the following universities:

  1. MIT (reach)
  2. CalTech (maybe)
  3. Stanford (maybe)
  4. Carnegie Mellon (safety)
  5. Harvard (reach)

Ethnicity: “Asian”
I’m not sure if I’m competitive as an “International applicant” but I guess I can be considered.
(Note: I did not have the opportunity to take AP classes)

GPA in 10th Grade - 3.5

Current GPA in Diploma - 4.0

Application Test Scores:

i) SAT Math II: 800
ii) SAT Physics: 800
iii) TOEFL: 114


ii) IEEE Signal Processing Society
iii) IEEE Computational Intelligence Society


i) Video Editor/Animator for a Youtube Channel (did a lot of motion graphics and 3d animations to demonstrate concepts)
ii) Machine Learning Engineer at Flux
iii) Artificial Intelligence Researcher at VITM

Personal Projects:

i) Product Recommendation Systems for Amazon
ii) Home Automation (basically rewired major parts of my home to almost entirely automate it)
iii) An Artificial Intelligence that takes care of some of my work such as events, reminders, chats, etc
iv) Facial Expression recognition system
v) Home Assistant Robot

Research Papers:

i) Camera model identification using Capsule Networks (Currently for SPCUP 2018)
ii) De-blurring videos by recognizing motion patterns using CNN’s (I worked on this with a Grad student from Carnegie Mellon)

Other Activities:

i) School Basketball team.(We won 2nd place at the State level)
ii) Intermediate Guitarist (I had a band in school and we would perform occasionally at school events and local events)

Well, what do you think? Do you think I can get in?
(I am still open for advice)
Also, do suggest any other uni that suits me as well.

Thank you in advance for your advice and opinions.

Another note.
I only took the SAT Subject Tests.(as it was recommended in the testing requirements for international students at the respective college websites)

Carnegie Mellon is not a safety for anyone.

Well, what makes you think that? and What else do you suggest?

CMU CS class size is 150 students. Its yield rate is ~33%, so they admit 450 CS students half of which are girls. Are you in the top 225 guys?

All of those schools are reaches for everyone.

As an international candidate, you have even less chances.
See, there are only a few seats per class at the elite campuses.
Most of the seats are taken by recruited athletes, American URM’s, celebrity status students and children of large donors. The seats are finite in number.

Is this a list, that is mass-produced?
If you were to get in, could you afford these schools?
Apply to schools in areas that need your caliber of student, like the South and Midwest.

A safety is a school where you are virtually guaranteed admission. Carnegie Mellon CS is a reach for everyone and a super high reach for an international.