What are my chances for these engineering schools?

<p>What are my chances at Georgia Tech, Michigan, Virginia, or Washington?
Am more curious about Georgia Tech since I want to major in engineering.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!</p>

<p>HS GPA through junior year: 3.06
1st Quarter Senior Year GPA: 3.71
My school grades on a 4 point scale (4.0=A, 3.0=B and so on)</p>

<p>AP Grades: US History (5), Physics B (3), European History (4), Statistics (taking it next year)</p>

<p>SAT II's:
Physics - 690
Math II - 770
US History - 760</p>

<p>SAT's - 2020/2400
Math: 780
Critical Reading: 650
Writing: 580</p>

<p>ACT: 34/36
English: 35
Math: 35
Reading: 34
Science: 33</p>

<p>no calculus?
your GPA seems a little low to be applying to some of the better schools on the list that im semi-familiar with (michigan and g. tech). particularly if its an unweighed GPA, id be worrried,</p>

<p>3.06 weighted GPA? It’s gonna be tough for Tech, I’ll tell you now. The ACT is REALLY good though (35/35). Depending on your EC’s/Essays, I think you may have a shot, but they may just outright reject you because of the GPA. Still, give it a shot and apply.</p>

<p>my weighted GPA is not 3.06, its 3.8</p>

<p>Oh, lol. You’re pretty much in Tech then, easy.</p>

<p>You’re definitely in. Good luck!</p>
