What are my chances for USF,FSU, and other schools

<p>What colleges can I get into with a 3.3 gpa (unweighted)</p>

<p>2200 SAT
30 ACT
Cross Country and Track Runner
NHS member
FBLA member
Relay for Life
Volunteer at RCS Food Bank</p>

<p>Here's a list of Colleges I want to get into
Florida State University
University of South Florida
University Of Central Florida
Florida Atlantic University
University of North Florida
Florida Southern College
University of Georgia
University of Tennessee
University of Texas at Austin
Ohio State University
Georgia Tech</p>

<p>Florida State University - match
University of South Florida - low match
University Of Central Florida - low match
Florida Atlantic University - low match
University of North Florida - low match
Florida Southern College - low match
University of Georgia - match
University of Tennessee - safety
University of Texas at Austin - low reach
Ohio State University - match
Georgia Tech - low reach</p>

<p>FSU: Low match
USF: Safety
FAU: Safety
UCF: Low match
FL Southern: Safety
UGA: Match
UTN: Safety
UT-Austin: Reach
OSU: Low match/Match
GA Tech: High match</p>