African American
Public HS
Upcoming Senior
Rank: 6
Class size: around 400
GPA: Unweighted 3.99
PSATqualify: Idk yet but councelor hinted that I qualified to some level (hasn’t been released yet to students)
SAT: 2200 Reading: 780 Math: 670 Writing: 750
ACT Comp: 32 Reading: 36 English: 34 Science: 28 Math: 31
SAT II: Chem 700; US 760 (plan to take math 2 + lit next fall)
AP: Chem 4; Worldhist: 5, Lang: 5, USHist: 5
Senior year course load: almost all AP
founded club at school
Newspaper editor
Academic Decathalon (well awarded)
Student ambassador (volunteer work around school)
Yearound volunteer at local hospital
Summer volunteer a big name hospital (wont elaborate for privacy)
Sunday school volunteer at local religious center
Job at a local pharmacy
Speaks 3 languages
Family income bracket: 100,000 - 150, 000
Im an immigrant (lol immigrated when I was like 2 but does it count)
Visited Uchicago; Got into JHU H.O.M.E program; applied for RICE S.O.A.R (we’ll see)
What do you think? Advice??? Thanks