What are my chances: JHU, Uchicago, Rice, Duke

African American
Public HS
Upcoming Senior
Rank: 6
Class size: around 400
GPA: Unweighted 3.99
PSATqualify: Idk yet but councelor hinted that I qualified to some level (hasn’t been released yet to students)
SAT: 2200 Reading: 780 Math: 670 Writing: 750
ACT Comp: 32 Reading: 36 English: 34 Science: 28 Math: 31
SAT II: Chem 700; US 760 (plan to take math 2 + lit next fall)
AP: Chem 4; Worldhist: 5, Lang: 5, USHist: 5
Senior year course load: almost all AP
founded club at school
Newspaper editor
Academic Decathalon (well awarded)
Student ambassador (volunteer work around school)
Yearound volunteer at local hospital
Summer volunteer a big name hospital (wont elaborate for privacy)
Sunday school volunteer at local religious center
Job at a local pharmacy

Speaks 3 languages
Family income bracket: 100,000 - 150, 000

Im an immigrant (lol immigrated when I was like 2 but does it count)

Visited Uchicago; Got into JHU H.O.M.E program; applied for RICE S.O.A.R (we’ll see)

What do you think? Advice??? Thanks

You’re in good shape. Apply ED at one of the schools

There’s not a ton of advice anyone can give you since apps are coming up so soon. You’re in range for all of these schools though, and being AA will definitely help even more to bolster your app even though your stats are already great. Just write spectacular, unique essays and really refine your apps to present yourself in the best possible light; that’s really the most effective thing you can do right now.

I plan to apply ea to Chicago?

danfer91 : Thank you!

Your SATs are fantastic. ECs are great, AP scores are great. And you’re AA + technically an immigrant.

You have great chances at any school in your list. Try to visit them, and pick the one that is best for you. You’re all set imo.

Good luck, and congratulations!