<p>Okay so I know princetons like so unlikely and not going to happen. Just thought i'd throw it out there.
Freshman year: 3.8
Sophomore year: 3.4
Junior year: 4.6
All unweighted. I am one of the main income contributors in my hosehold and have had a steady set of jobs since I was 11. Real jobs. I am also the main caretaker for my sister with. Downsyndrome.
I started a club that gives clothes anonomously to children from low income households as I was teased for having "goodwill" clothes. I have been a best buddies president and officer for 3 years. Not sophomore and then another year. I have an sat of 2310 and an act of 34 out of 36.
My senior year I will spending the entire year(11 months) abroad in cairo egypt on a full scholarship. I have over 400 hours of community service for junior year. I am also a part of various clubs and the swim team. I also teach ballet to kids from low income homes for free. I had a professer read my essay from uw read my essay and she said it was really good and I have great recommendations!
<p>I’m also a native american so a minority.</p>
<p>You may have a hard time convincing an admissions committee that you’re a main financial contibutor and the main caretaker of someone yet you can leave for a year. As an admissions reader you would have lost me right there.</p>
<p>Are you registered with a tribe? How can you have an unweighted 4.6? Do you have a rank?</p>
<p>Yeah! I’m registered as an arapaho. My school doesn’t do rankings. I have a 4.6 because I took 6 ap’s this year and got straight A’s across the board. And that’s what I’m going to write about in my essay…I have been but this year (about a month ago) my dad got a job. So I am no longer so necessary and can really try for college. Thanks for you’re help!</p>
<p>Welcome to Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, and Northwestern University!</p>
<p>All jokes aside, I think your app is strong given your economic circumstances - be sure to expound these circumstances in your essay(s) - especially considering your GPA trends (positively parabolic is close enough to positively linear), SAT scores, and, of course, your incredibly strong URM hook. I’ve seen much worse applications be accepted to top schools (including upper Ivy League) with your registered tribal status; you should have a relatively relaxed time getting into good schools (or honor’s colleges/scholarships in lower level schools).</p>
<p>Do not forget your SAT Subject Tests, however; most schools require at least two.</p>
<p>registered native american. and smart. you’re set. don’t even worry.</p>
<p>Thankyou zkhan! I’m less worried now.</p>
<p>Thankyou honorlions! Somehow I missed your post. That was really helpful.</p>
<p>I think you have a very good chance in getting in to one of those 3 schools. Excellent SAT and ACT scores, looks like a good enough GPA, and native american ethnicity to boot.</p>