What are my chances of getting in?

Hey guys, I know you’re probably tired of seeing this message, but I’m very nervous about admissions (hence the username created for this query). Please be as honest as possible : )
I’m a WI resident. My GPA over the past four years is about 3.46 (unweighted, it’s a 3.6 something weighted). My ACT is a 28.
I’ve taken 8 APs over high school to shoot for a poli sci degree when in college (social studies + english APs) and I have a fair number of 4s and 5s
I did varsity swim in grades 9-10
Debate/ speech all four years (captain this year)
Treasurer of the school’s biggest club (of 200 or so people)
Involved in a club outside of school where I manage finances, design merchandise, and search for business grants.

If I have low chances of getting in, is there anything I can do this year to improve my chances in case I get waitlisted?

  • I don't know my class rank. With 650 or so people, our school removed it because of complications.

Well according to last year’s common data set 78% had higher than a 3.75 GPA and the 25-75 percentile ACT scores were 27-32. So you obviously are on the lower 25% of GPA’s and close to that for ACT as well. The fact that you are in state makes it possible, but I wouldn’t bank on it. Do you have Naviance data for your school? That could help you figure out odds from your particular school - that can vary widely.


Just make sure you have a good back up plan you are happy with. If you get deferred/waitlisted an upward trending GPA this year might be helpful.

Ditto above assessment. Have backup schools.