
<p>White Male
Act 27
Unweighted GPA 3.8333 ranked 33/478 Weighted 4.089 ranked 48/478
AP's Chem, Bio(senior yr.) Poli sci, Psych, Spanish (senior Yr.)
Varisity Tennis
Vice President Class Board
NHS 2 yr.
Head Lifeguard worked at pool since 08
I would say I wrote good essays
I have 2 recs
I know it is getting harder to get into Wisc. I'm worried my ACT is too low. Wisconsin is my number 1 choice so needless to say I'm a little nervous</p>

<p>your chances are very high. I like the fact that you are in the top 10 percent and it looks like you took many hard classes, your ACT is only average. Are you from Wisconsin? Good luck</p>

<p>No I’m from Chicago does it help to be out of state or instate</p>

<p>I think it pays to be in state, 65% of the class come from Wisconsin. If you had a low 30’s ACT you would have been accepted sooner rather then later. There is a good chance that you will fall into the deferred action bin, if you want to attend write a nice follow-up note. good luck</p>

<p>I was feeling pretty good, but I’m beginning to worry.</p>

<p>Chance me please.</p>

from IL
ACT = 31
GPA UW = 3.95
GPA W = 4.2
4 AP Classes including Foreign Lang.
Many Honors Classes
Counselor said my Letters of Rec were excellent
One of essays clearly indicated Wisc. top choice
3 sports x 4 years
All Academic Awards
NHS, several other clubs
Student Council
Several service experiences</p>

<p>Wisc. top choice, already accepted at Indiana, waiting for IL</p>

<p>Good luck to all!</p>

<p>If its not 100% its pretty close</p>