
<p>I have a 27 on the ACT and a 3.6 UW GPA. No class rank is given for my school but I am pretty positive I'm in the 1st quartile.</p>

<p>I am in many clubs including key club. I'm on NHS and have been a 3 sport athlete all 4 years. Also led a fundraiser for my older brother's health issues for 4 years. Probably 150+ volunteer hours, I actually have never counted, I just volunteer when possible. Various other ECs as well</p>

<p>I have only gotten one grade below a B and it was a C+ first term of freshman year. I had two letters of Rec and solid essays. Submitted finished app on 9/15 and got an email on 9/22 saying they had everything they needed.</p>

<p>Also I’ve taken almost all honors classes these last two years and 4 APs</p>

<p>Are you a Wisconsin resident? Are your parents college graduates?</p>

<p>Forgot to put that, but yes I am instate and both my parents graduated from a 4 year college. Not from Madison though</p>

<p>It’s hard to tell, and UW can be so all over the place. One of my friends got immediately accepted with a 24 on her ACT, another got wait listed with a 32 ACT and near perfect grades. But based on a typical freshmen, I think you’ve got a fair shot. Just don’t be surprised if you get wait listed and then accepted</p>

<p>Thanks! One of my friends has a 28 on her ACT and good grades while a girl at my school has a 26 and only decent grades. So I’m hoping for the best</p>

<p>I got in with pretty similar stats, same ACT score, but took my classes at a college. sounds like you have a great shot, character is important to them :)</p>

<p>That makes me feel better! Hopefully the fact that red is my favorite color helps too. It’s worth a shot right?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your stats place you right in the middle of the 3rd quartile of enrolled freshmen. Mean UNW GPA is over 3.75!! I was really surprised to learn this when I started checking this stuff. According to the CDS, the thing they weight most highly- after GPA, test scores, and rigor of curriculum, is the essay. Things like volunteer work, ECS, etc. are only ‘considered.’ I wonder if that can really be true? If so, the decisions should come a lot faster than they do. Hard to believe that being a 3-sport athlete doesn’t count for much.</p>

<p>“Mean” or “median” gpa- makes a difference when looking at statistics- a bunch with 4.0 skews things higher for a mean. Good thing being an athlete doesn’t trump academics. Most HS athletes will not not be on UW teams and many other activities show good traits helpful in succeeding in managing college life. Three sports is all one area of ECs.</p>

<p>Are you saying that being a 3 sport athlete for 4 years won’t have much pull in my decision?</p>

<p>I can’t speak for others intent, but in my opinion…I don’t think being a 3 sport athlete for 4 years is a major consideration. I believe Wisc looks at in priority sequence: 1. GPA 2. ACT/SAT score 3. Essays 4. EC’s (including sports participation), 5. Recommendations </p>

<p>Recommendations being last because you wouldn’t ask anyone who would say anything other than how wonderful you are.</p>

<p>Being a 3 sport athlete for 4 years shows that you participated in EC’s, just like the student who was in Math Club, NHS, Spanish Club, etc. Beleive me, I understand how tough it is to be a 3 sport athlete for 4 years, but I don’t believe it carries any extra weight with admissions.</p>

<p>Sorry. I meant to write median, not mean. 54% at or above 3.75% unweighted</p>

<p>you sound awesome, i wouldn’t worry too much about what people say on here. decisions are so varied its hard to tell what the admissions office will think unless your information is actually coming from a representative rather than the parent of some UW Madison student.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses everyone! I heard that people who heard back last year heard around mid-December. The 4-6 mark from the deadline starts pretty soon so I’d imagine I’d hear back soon. Or I’m just driving myself crazy with all this analyzing</p>

<p>Relax and quit thinking about UW. Nothing more you can do to change things so forget about college for now and enjoy your senior year of HS.</p>