<p>Greetings! This coming school year, I will be entering my Senior year.</p>
<p>Sat Score (Planning on retaking it):
Math 720 Reading 700 Writing 760</p>
<p>Sat 2s Score (Planning on retaking them also. I was extremely tired and wholly ill prepared to take these exams!):
Math2 700 Literature 640 Chemistry 690</p>
<p>I have taken 4 APs and plan to take another 4-5 next year as well as many pre-ap/honor courses</p>
<p>GPA (not sure if colleges include elective courses in gpa calculation):
Unweighted w/ electives 3.75; Unweighted w/ only core classes (mathematics, sciences, etc.): 3.67</p>
<p>Rank: Top 10 percent</p>
National Spanish Honor Society
Mayor's Youth Advisory Council
Health Occupational Students of America</p>
Newspaper Club, Founder and Assistant Editor in Chief
CHC organization (founded the organization in middle school. donate novels and clothes to children in impoverished Nigerian villages ), President</p>
<p>Volunteer Work:
Churches' Children department (4 years)
Served as camp leader/counselor for children's department(2 years)
Tutored at the YMCA during freshman year
Invited to give a talk at a local elementary school's health fair about proper nutrition</p>
I have played the piano since I was in third grade</p>
Nanotechnology Internship at Rice University (summer of junior year)</p>
Health Occupational Students of America (placed first in school wide competition and 3rd in area competition )</p>
Ethnicity-African American