<p>Hey guys, here are my stats and I was wondering if you could tell me what my chances of getting into a boarding school, in particular, HADES and Institut Le Rosey.
-15 year old girl (10th grade, applying for 11th grade)
-not applying for FA
-my grades are pretty low right now (C/B range) but I intend to bring them up
-last year my grades were mostly As a couple of Bs
-my SAT scores are about 85%-95%
-my school is extremely competitive, but we recently had a drug bust that was on the news so that probably brought us down a couple of notches
-ECs: I've been playing the cello for 7 years, I'm a black belt in Taekwondo, and I take riding lessons as often as possible
-the most important thing I have going for me right now is the fact that I have started my own charity, and we are registered with the state, we've done several events and I'm mostly likely going to be hosting a gala next summer (should I invite the deans of the schools I'm applying to?)</p>
<p>Please, I need to know my chances, especially for Institut Le Rosey and HADES, but mainly for Institut Le Rosey.
<p>I know about Rosey. They only take 10% of each nationality. I know that they are looking to increase their Chinese student population. Students of French mother tongue for the French IB is also open. English speakers are the most competitive applicant pool so your grades have to be tops plus you have to have all your paperwork in by end of Dec.
You will have a better chance if you apply as a repeat 10th grader due to the IB program.</p>
<p>no sports?? not needing FA will be a plus for Hotchkiss, Deerfield and St. Paul’s.</p>
<p>I’m a US citizen and english speaker, but I’m from India and I speak Hindi. By nationality, do they mean the country you/your parents come from, or where you live? Also, I do sports, I do taekwondo. Do they not count that as a sport?! Eeekkk, it’s so hard that I definitely count it as a sport.</p>
<p>by nationality they mean your citizenship. or which country your passport is issued by.
maybe I’m wrong… Black belts are given relatively easily in some institutions (you can get it within 2 or 3 years) Well…Is there anything great about your cello-playing? Like major concerts or something like that? Your current grades might coagulate your flow into acceptance (but Exeter takes your previous grades as well). What kind of riding lessons are you talking about? Equestrian? Your charity will boost you a lot.</p>
<p>Deans are very busy people and often don’t have enough time in their hands to go visit a random applicant’s gala event… But who knows? Just hint at an invitation and ask them if they’d like to come. If they accept, you’ll have a major advantage.</p>
<p>Nationality means which country issued your passport? Darn… And yes, you’re right about the black belt comment, it didn’t take me long, it took about 4 years (no sarcasm). And I’m in my school orchestra, as well as one of the two major youth symphonies in my state (you can’t be in both, and I’m not good enough to be in both). My current grades aren’t amazing, but I’m hoping to bring them up. My grades from last year were pretty good. I think I take regular riding lessons, not equestrian. But I don’t take them regularly, it’s just when I have time, so maybe riding could be my sport at any given school. Or dance since I dance at events and have been since I was 8. Will my charity help me a lot? I hope. Also, do you know how much hw they give at any of these given schools? Thanks!</p>
<p>A black belt in your sport is impressive. It<code>s also good that you</code>ve been committed to that sport for 4 yrs. If you have been riding horses for several yrs, thats good too. Your test scores and last yrs grades are good. I would not give up if I were you. Are you living in the US now?</p>
<p>In truth I haven’t been riding horses REGULARLY for years. I just ride when I have time so I know how to, so I thought that if it was possible I could take horseback riding as a sport. But I’ve been riding whenever possible, since I was about 10 years old. Also, I’ve been taking the SAT since about 7th grade, I’ve taken the ACT, PSAT, and I’ve been in the JHU CTY program since I was in 5th grade, so about 5 years. Yes, I am living in the US right now, but I was born in Canada, and I’m from India. I wish I could be counted as part of the 10% nationality from India, instead of the US, at Institut Le Rosey.</p>
<p>Do you have a Canadian passport?</p>
<p>I used to, but I recently became a US citizen. Can I apply for double citizenship? Would that help me? And, would I get it in time to apply?! But most important, considering my stats would I get in? And also, maddog, I kind of feel special knowing that you are replying to my post. I’ve seen your posts on almost all the threads and I have to say you seem to have very extensive knowledge that you’re willing to share. Thanks!</p>
<p>No problem. I<code>m in the same boat as you. Doing a lot of research on trying to find the right schools. I</code>ve narrowed mine down to 4 and may also apply to Rosey cause I have family there.
To answer your question, Yes duel citizenship is helpful for Rosey.
You should also put a few safety schools on your list or at least know about some rolling admission schools if you have to scrabble in March.
Good luck :D</p>
How exactly would a dual citizenship help me? I’m just wondering.
And yes, I am hoping to apply to several other schools, maybe even some on the West Coast. Also, what do you think would happen if I applied as a 10th grade repeat? What exactly would happen? Currently my grades are quite low, Cs and Bs and 1 D. I REALLY don’t want colleges to see that which is why I’m thinking that applying as a 10th grade repeat makes the most sense. But I don’t really understand it. And would a boarding school ever accept me with my current grades?! I don’t think so. I might just switch out of some of my advanced classes. Maybe I’ll be able to bring up my grades that way. Please, if you can explain to me what this 10th grade repeat thing is! Thanks!</p>
<p>Well it<code>s often common to read on cc why students repeat. Most of the times it</code>s for a better chance to get in. In your case, 11th grade is tough to get in.
Dual citizenship gives you more diversity chances.
It`s also helpful that you speak other languages.</p>
<p>So if 11th grade is tough to get in, then will my ECs help me? Plus, I do speak 3 languages fluently (English, obviously, Hindi, and Marathi) and I’m currently in Spanish 3. What else could I do to increase my chances?</p>
<p>Here’s a bump guys. PLEASE ANSWER!!!</p>
<p>You have to interview at the schools you are most interested in. Write great essays ect. There is no magic secret about getting in to any of these schools. You know more about yourself than we do. Make your good points shine and explain if you had a few bumbs in the road. For example: your grades, were you ill? What kind of set backs did you encounter and how did you overcome them. If you really want to go to BS, don<code>t just have a list of the most difficult schools to get into. Spread things out. You are full pay so thats a big plus. Your languages, background, test scores and ECs make you interesting on paper now show the AOs in person. 
It</code>s really 10:19am where I am right now.</p>
<p>Yes, I have been ill this year. In 8th grade (2 years ago) I had a blood test done, and we found out that I’m anemic. This make me REALLY tired and weak and I had been taking medicine for a year until I found out that my doctor prescribed the wrong medicine, so now I’ve started taking the right kind of medicine. Also, I’m getting tested soon, but I might be slightly ADD.
And I may no longer be full pay.</p>
<p>Don`t put too much personal info on cc. Best to focus on schools not too far away if you are FA.</p>
<p>Another bump… please help!!!</p>
<p>You probably don’t want to hear this, but you’re not getting into this school. This isn’t a school for smart students, it’s a school for important students.</p>
<p>and lol @ horseback riding, nice…</p>