<p>I have a 91 unweigted gpa, only a 1000 sat (math and reading) but Im getting my other scores back tomo and I'm hoping on doing much better, ive taken honors bio and chem and got an 83 average in AP chem and I have a 95 average now in AP bio, I also am in advanced math and take calc now, I'm in ton of clubs, science honor society and was in forgien language honor society, I also voulnteer at a nature center and plan on voulnteering at a hospital. I want to major in biology.</p>
<p>UDel: Reach
SUNY Geneseo: Reach</p>
<p>UDel = safety
but Geneseo = it will depend on those new scores, so come back and post them here for a more accurate “chance”</p>
<p>Keep in mind Geneseo is SUNY’s de factor “honor college”, so that SAT will need to jump by at least 200 points.
UDel - low reach</p>
<p>thank you!</p>