What are my chances of getting into these schools?

<p>I am Indian (as in Asian-Indian, not Native American) from CA.
I go to a pretty big school (2500+ kids) and it's around top 70th in the nation.</p>

<p>GPA UW : 3.975
GPA W: 4.286
Class Rank: ~not assigned~
Public School
SAT: 2320 (R: 770, W: 760, M: 790)
SAT II Math - 800, SAT II Chem - 800
will take SAT II english and spanish</p>

<p>AP English Comp - 4 (11th grade)
AP Chemistry - 5 (11th grade)
AP Stats - 3 (didn't take the class - 11th grade)
AP Calculus BC - 5 (10th grade)
AP Comp Sci AB - 5 (10th grade)
AP Spanish, Macroecon., Gov, English Lit all senior year</p>

Habitat for Humanity Volunteering
Tons of music stuff</p>

<p>Essays: Should be good</p>

Boston University
Carnegie Mellon

<p>Do you have any more ECs? Everything else looks good, but that section is extremely barren.</p>

<p>I used to play soccer, and I’ve done a ton of stuff over summers, but mostly music (taking lessons, playing in multiple bands, etc.) and Habitat for Humanity every week pretty much. I used to tutor too, and did a little bit of other volunteering before that.
Summer after 9th grade:
CTY Program - took Cryptology
Summer after 10th:
Was a People to People Student Ambassador and went to Italy/Greece
Studied Spanish in Mexico at the Chac-Mool Institute in Cuernavaca for 2 weeks
Summer after 11th:
Went to Carnegie Mellon Pre-College Program for 6 weeks to study music</p>

<p>O yea I’m also on the robotics team, which is actually pretty big, idk how i forgot that.
I was in spanish honor society for 2 years too.</p>

<p>well I suggest that you specifically list out every single thing that is included in “a ton of stuff” because people won’t know what you’re talking about unless you tell us how much “a ton of stuff” is.</p>

<p>i’m an officer in the habitat for humanity club if that makes any difference
our robotics team went to nationals last year (but i couldn’t go)
i think that’s it…
when i was younger i did a ton more stuff but mainly just music, habitat for humanity, and robotics now (lil bit of soccer)</p>

In 2-3 bands outside of school.
Used to study piano, now only studying drums.
Can play piano quite well, guitar pretty well, alto sax pretty well (presumably other saxophones if i practice enough), drums very well (main instrument)
Studied music at Carnegie Mellon this summer
Have played in band since 6th grade, jazz band since 10th, was in the “top combo” in 11th and presumably 12th grade (we have a small combo system rather than big band)
Compose a lil bit on the side too
if i remember anything else i post it up</p>