What are my chances of readmission?

I screwed up big time! I was a bio major but I was going through many personal issues such as major depression, mixed with a bit of anxiety, such as Adjustment Disorder with anxiety and Test Performance Anxiety (ya, not pretty), and I managed to fail my into math class twice. I did a petition and everything else I could to take it one more time (now that I am seeing a Psychiatrist and getting everything in check) but the person I talked to who is in charge was completely rude and basically told me that my anxiety and depression were a lie and I need to go to Chass. But i want to do my pre-med req’s and the best major to do that is psych, but they also have a policy on math. So I was going to talk to the person in charge over there, and if they say I CAN take the class again, then I want to take it at RCC during the fall and file for readmission in the Winter Quarter. But I want to know my chances of readmission before I do anything… HELP!!!