What are my chances of transferring to u of a/ asu with 2.7 college gpa and 2.1 hs gpa

I would be an out of state transfer and i have the rest of this fall semester and next spring semester to catch up with my college gpa. im not worried about my college gpa, but instead my highschool. i was on the phone with admissions for u of a and they said you must have at least a 2.0 college gpa with at least 12 credits and if you are under 22 you have to send in high school transcripts with a gpa of at least a unweighted gpa of 2.5 and i had a 2.1. asu you need to send in high school transcripts no matter what age.

seems silly considering i have 30 credits done already and will have 60 by fall of 2018 when i would be starting. should i still try and apply?

also my grades 9th grade-11th grade were BAD. 2.1 gpa bad, but my senior year grades are all A’s some B’s and like one C so will they see that i’ve been doing better ever since senior year?

I don’t know how it works for transfers, but the undergrad app has an optional essay that admissions encourages you to use to explain things like bad grades.

Both U of A and ASU travel extensively on the west coast, so sign up for their emails and look for a chance to talk to an admissions counselor in person.

You will probably get in.
How do I know? I almost failed high school, (thank God for summer school) and had an overall GPA of about 2.6/2.7 from two years at community college.
IF you can “wow” them in other ways, maybe if you played sports?, then you will probably get in.

  • The application fee/process is not a big deal, so you should apply anyway.

i mean ive worked all through high school and college but what are some things that i can say that will make me more desirable? i have reasons of why i didnt do well in highschool-- family stuff happening all 4 years, and i just am finding out that i have adhd should i mention that?

Sure, you can mention it. Your improved grades in community college will also speak to your readiness.