<p>Without boring you with countless details i have set my eyes on UC Davis. The only problem is that i have not taken education seriously until recently</p>
<p>Currently i'm deployed in Afghanistan, i've received my Combat Infantry Badge and earned "veteran" status.....that's pretty much all i have going for me. Or at least that's what i believe (hence, this forum). In high school i was a terrible slacker and procrastinator and barely got by. My GPA was probably around 2.5 and i doodled on my SATs. Before deploying, i re-took the SAT and scored 1800 (Reading - 610, Writing - 610, Math - 580)</p>
<p>I plan on studying up for the SAT and retaking it to raise my score, but have i already doomed myself by completely screwing the pooch in high school? Any and all opinions would be greatly appreciated.</p>