<p>I have a 3.8 gpa (weighted) my school doesn't weight honors classes only ap i have taken all honors or college prep courses and, when i graduate high school i will have taken 4 ap classes (Ap english lang, ap envrionmental,ap human geo,ap calculus AB) i have also taken a year of computer programming
I have a total of 5 math credits. I have been an all county volleyball player as a junior, and will be next year i have recieved letters from colleges for volleyball. I also play varsity basketball I am in national honor society and play club volleyballl outside of school.</p>
<p>i live in marylanD</p>
<p>sat (first time) math 530 critical reading 570, (i plan on taking the test again october 1st since the scores are low
WRITING 510 total sat first time 1610
schools i am applying to
univeristy of alabama(safety),(safety) westchester univeristy, rutgers univeristy, (new brunswick) penn state main, university of south carolina columbia, james madison university, UD, and UMCP (reach)
if i cannot get into any of these i guess all have to go to cc...</p>
<p>You have a good gpa and volley ball working for you, did u happen to get any letters to play at any of these schools? The only think that would be holding you back at most of these schools is your sat score so definitely retake them in the fall and maybe even try the Act. As of now you would get into your safeties maybe even south carolina and possibly JMU but JMU is getting alot more competitive. If you can get your sat scores up 200 points you should be fine for Penn state Rutgers and UDel. Although you are instate at UMD the competition is only getting stronger and you should aim for a 2000 for there. If you would like to know more about any of these colleges just pm me cause I applied to Penn state, Rutgers, JMU, and UMD this year.</p>
<p>alright thanks, is it that hard to get sat score up by 200?, if you don’t know its alright
and i actually got an email to play for rutgers but i honestly don’t want to play in college my coach just pushed me to try and get recruitedd</p>
<p>I don’t know how hard it will be for you since it’s different for every person but just give it your best that’s all you can really do. But a 200 point increase isn’t anywhere near impossible. Yeah playing in college is a huge commitment and takes up alot of time so If your not completely dedicated you shouldn’t try it. So which school is your top choice/top choices? Also make sure you talk to your parents about what they are willing and can afford to play without you having to take out loans.</p>
<p>My father makes more than 250k a year now, and he will pay for everything. My top school would be penn state or Rugers but my chances of getting in will be hard unless, like you said i can improve by atleast 200 on the sat… i recenetly took the act but won’t recieve the scors for atleast 2 weeks i think i did better on it than the sat</p>
<p>Ok so you won’t have a problem paying for any of the colleges which is good. Since your oos for both those schools do whatever you can to get those scores up because both of those schools are strictly number based and they could careless what ec’s you do since they get a huge number of applicants. If you attend a good school it will definitely work in your favor. By any chance do u havean idea of what you would like to major in?</p>
<p>im undecided… can’t i study generally untill i decide? or must I declare a major immediately</p>
<p>Oo no you have time to declare your major there is no rush. I was just curious if you had any idea so that you could compare which school would be better for that major but that are both pretty even for an overall education. I would say if it’s possible try as hard as you can to get up your sat scores and hopefully your act are really good because if you or into UMD then that would be the better school overall plus instate tuition.</p>
<p>yes i am, but umcp is super competitive i only know a few very good students they were just people with great grades lots of ap classes and sats over 1850. not to mention a decent amount of ec’s</p>
<p>I’m gonna pm u I don’t wanna take over your thread lol</p>