What are my chances to get into a UC

Hello! What are my chances of getting into a UC? Preferably UCI or UCSB. I am currently a Junior (10 more days of classes, yay!)

GPA: UC Weighted GPA is 3.88 (Should be near 4.1 if not higher after im done with online courses and summer classes)
ACT: 23 Essay 8(I know it’s very low, but considering that i submit this what are my chances?)

Weighted Classes:
Sophomore Year: Honors Spanish 4
Jr Year: AP Spanish 5, AP Env Science, AP English 3
Sr year: AP Stats, AP bio, AP gov, AP English 4
Online classes: AP Psychology
Community college classes: Chemistry, Sociology
EC: I’ll be on leadership my senior year (ASB), women’s basketball manager 2 yrs, JV football, LEO Club 2 yrs, KEY club 2 yrs, Youth leadership program, Latinos Unidos (Latino Club) 1yr

Background: I am Chinese but born and raised in the country of Panama. I can speak 5 languages (English, Spanish, Hakka, Cantonese, Mandarin). I was once an immigrant (Came to the US when i was in 1st grade). Single mother of 5 children. Very low-income parents. First generation college student. ALSO I did not attend high school during my freshman year due to an injury that I have on my arm ever since I was a born. During this year of absence, I went back to Panama (I studied there for a bit), and I also traveled to Guangzhou, China (in which i studied abroad in a university for a couple months). I was in Panama because of family related reasons and in China to seek doctors to fix my arm (in which, nothing happened due to them concluding that it is better that I do nothing to my arm for now). However, due to not doing freshman year, I have to take online courses and summer classes to make up for the credits that I need to graduate.

Please chance me! Sorry if my background is a little bit confusing, I tried to make it as short as possible.

Get the ACT up and then you are golden. everything else is on track, except maybe UCI business

UC’s are very GPA focused, but you also have to be within in a competitive range for with your test scores. Any chance you can do some test prep and retake since a higher score would definitely be advantageous. You do have extenuating circumstances which can be addressed in your personal insight essays which can give you a boost.

Being low income and first generation will also help.

You need to cast a wide net and apply to variety of schools. I would include UC Santa Cruz and UC Riverside to your list along with some Cal states so you have some options come next Spring.

Intended major will play a large role in your chances especially if you are planning to major in highly competitive majors such as Engineering/CS, Biology, Psychology etc…

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Best of luck.

@Gumbymom I can probably get a tutor but I really do not want to waste my parent’s hard earned money. Though, I hope to get a 27 ACT in the one on August. Also, do you recommend me to write about my situation? Since most people are writing about sad pasts etc.

You’re an incredibly unique applicant and should play up your worldly perspective in your application essays, as well as the struggles you’ve had with your health. You don’t necessarily have to add any more extracurriculars unless you’re truly passionate about those subjects/fields, but a few more couldn’t hurt as long as you’re not just doing them for the sake of a resume. I’d recommend upping your ACT score (by just a bit or a lot, depending on what type of school you’re aiming for) and think about trying the SAT. I actually preferred it to the ACT (though I took the old one) and know that having both never hurts. As long as your grades remain where they are (or maybe improve a little, just to raise that unweighted GPA) I think you have a good shot at a UC. Though if you’re not a California resident, it can get both pricey and competitive to attend. Make sure your financial aid package isn’t too hefty, or that might hurt your chances. They like students who can pay them, not students they have to pay (lol). Overall, I think you’re a good applicant, but you’re just on the cusp of being great. Good luck!

^ and by “type of school” where I’m talking about the ACT, I mean your program/field of study. Business school and a humanities program are very different in terms of impacted programs and acceptance rates.

@aspiringauthor7 I’ll try to get my test scores up before I have to submit my college applications later this November. I am from California so I will be applying in-state. How much do colleges weigh the SAT/ACT?

For the UC’s, GPA, test scores, HS course rigor and essays are highly considered. EC’s are important while In-state and First Generation are considered. Each UC may give different weight to each item but to be an overall competitive applicant you need to be within range with your test scores and currently that is UCM and UCR.


@FernCh UCs like standardized tests because it indicates academic performance and reiterates what your GPA already tells them. In some cases, when one is higher than the other, it can help. Like if your GPA remains where it is but you get stellar SAT/ACT scores, that improves your application. And vice versa; if your scores aren’t awesome but you have a really high GPA, the scores hold less weight. Remember the app is holistic, so everything matters. Best of luck this fall!